Elden Ring gets a PEGI 16 Provisional Rating

When you go to the official Bandai Namco Asia website, it shows that Elden RIng has been rated as PEGI 16 but again, keep in mind that it does not have a page on yet since the rating is just provisional. To ensure that this rating was just added, I visited Wayback Machine, and it did not show any rating previously.

To find more things related to this, I visited the EU site as well, and it showed a PEGI 16 rating too.

And when I visited the Wayback machine to make sure that it was added recently. I turned out to be right when you scroll down; there is no provisional rating of PEGI 16. This is very weird, but we might have gotten closer to seeing some Elden Ring related news or something. The last time people thought we were going to get Elden Ring news was at Taipei Games Show but sadly, that was not true.
Jeff Grubb from VentureBeat has been teasing some Elden Ring News, and he said, “Give me 60” to a fan. It could mean that we might get Elden Ring news in the next 60 days, but again nothing is confirmed yet; even though Jeff Grub has been reliable sometimes in the past, I would like to see an official announcement before getting hyped for anything. I’m speculating that there will be some Xbox Event or something else, and they will drop the release date trailer along with the gameplay of Elden RIng (Hopefully, this happens in the next 60 days).
What do you think? Please let us know in the comments below.

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