Another Xbox Controller Leak Points To Potential November 6 Xbox Series X Release

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Well, it has been something of a whirlwind today when it comes to the Xbox side of the news. Not only was the shocking delay of Halo Infinite into 2021 announced, Microsoft also seemingly decided to give the launch month for the Xbox Series X out of nowhere, confirming the system would, in fact, release in November. It was a weird day, made even weirder by the fact that despite getting a month, we still have no full launch date. It seems both Sony and Microsoft are dragging this out for as long as possible, but some leaks could shine an unintended light on that.

Tom Warren of The Verge took to his official Twitter to say he’d gotten a tip from a tipster the controller for the Xbox Series S/X had arrived with a ‘don’t open before November 6th’ message. If you recall, something like this popped up yesterday with a leak of the same controller and the warranty that pointed to that same date.

Now, as we mentioned in that article, it isn’t unusual that controllers hit the market officially before the console itself. Since we now know for a fact that the Xbox Series X will release in November, it’s not outside the realm of possibility that the controllers could release a week or more before Microsoft’s system. We will just have to wait and see.

Xbox Series X may launch on November 6th. A tipster tells me boxes of the new controllers have a do not open date of November 6th on them. These controllers leaked earlier this week

— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) August 11, 2020

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