Dual Universe Enters Open Beta

dual universe

The sci-fi MMORPG Dual Universe has entered into an Open Beta phase, inviting players to try out the new title from developer Novaquark.

Developer Novaquark calls it a “persistent single-server universe, entirely built and driven by players.” Players will all exist on a single shard and everything one player does will have a permanent impact on the world everyone else experiences.

A new Beta trailer announces the now open beta, as well as the end of the NDA for Alpha players. The trailer also shows off some of the building and customization that players will be able to achieve in Dual Universe. This includes the ability to build and design their own ships and vehicles.

You can find the Open Beta trailer for Dual Universe below.

“The Dual Universe Beta is finally here! Take part in a persistent, single-server universe, entirely built and driven by players. We’ve also dropped the NDA, so be sure to share your adventures along the way! Find out more about the Beta by watching the brand new trailer!

Dual Universe is a continuous, single-shard MMORPG that takes place in a multi-planetary, sci-fi world that features player-driven economy, politics, trade, and warfare. Players can freely modify the world by creating structures, spaceships, and even orbital stations, giving birth to empires and civilizations.”

Players will need to purchase a subscription to take part in the Open Beta with monthly or year-long plans. It is unknown at present if any progress achieved during the Open Beta will carry over to the game’s full release.

Dual Universe is now in open beta for Windows PC via the official website. The game fully launches 2021.

Image: YouTube

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