EA Feels “Very, Very Good” About BioWare’s New Leadership


The last few years haven’t been the best for BioWare, and with the back-to-back critical and commercial failures of Mass Effect: Andromeda and Anthem, the legendary developer’s stock has certainly fallen lower than ever. With multiple major games in development and internal changes at the studio, however, it seems EA is confident in what the future holds for BioWare.

Speaking during their latest quarterly investors call, EA CEO Andrew Wilson acknowledged the fact that BioWare has had some blips in recent years, but that with a new Mass Effect and a new Dragon Age in development, EA feels “very, very confident about their future road map.”

“That is an incredible studio filled with incredible people who do incredible work,” Wilson said. “And I think that from the outside wall, there have been some blips in their delivery over the last couple of years, but that has come as a result of them pushing deeply into innovation and creativity. And we feel very, very confident about their future road map, and we’ve talked about games like Dragon Age and Mass Effect in their future.”

Speaking about BioWare’s recent internal leadership changes, with general manager Casey Hudson and Dragon Age series executive producer Mark Darrah having left the studio, EA feels “very, very good about the ongoing leadership” that’s now in place.

“With respect to Casey and Mark leaving, again, both good friends of mine,” Wilson said. “We have tremendous respect for both of them. But this happens in the natural course of creative organizations from time to time. And we feel very, very good about the ongoing leadership of that studio and the many people who come to work every day to deliver great innovation and creativity.”

To conclude, Wilson spoke about the upcoming Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and the positive reception it has received from series fans, saying that EA is encouraged by what the studio is delivering and will continue to deliver.

“We look forward to sharing more about what’s coming from BioWare in the near future,” he said. “And you will have just seen our Mass Effect trilogy Legendary Edition announced, and that has been extraordinarily well received by BioWare fans. And so we’re encouraged by what that studio will continue to deliver.”

Other than the aforementioned projects, BioWare continues to work on an overhaul of Anthem. Read more on that through here.

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