Every Red Dead Redemption 2 Player Is Guilty Of These 11 Things

Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely massive game, and even if you complete ignore the story, you can easily spend dozens upon dozens of hours just messing about in its giant open world. In spite of the slew of activities on offer though, regardless of how you like playing games, there’s some things that all Red Dead 2 players eventually find themselves doing at some point (or several). In this feature, we’re going to talk about a few things Red Dead Redemption 2 players are all guilty of.

NOTE: There are spoilers ahead for Red Dead Redemption 2. Proceed at your own risk.


Red Dead Redemption 2’s contextual dialogue choice system is one of its most dominant features, and your primary way of interacting with the game’s world- but most players end up using it way more than they need to. Having Arthur walk through a town while spamming the “greet” button to watch him say “hello there” and “hi there” and “hey there, mister” to every single person around him is the very definition of pointless, but something we can’t help but keep doing.

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