
Genshin Impact: Best Claymores for Beidou

Most four-star characters in Genshin Impact are usually underrated. Some players simply prefer the grand eloquence and animations of five-star characters. There's also the fact that only a few four-star DPS characters can match five-star DPSes. Beidou is one of those aforementioned four-star DPS carry characters. Some tests have even shown that she performs similarly to a C0 Eula, assuming you have her at C6, which isn't too hard to achieve.

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Even at lower constellations, Beidou isn't too far off from being one of the most powerful DPS characters in the game. Her Elemental Skill is a perfect blend of offense and defense while her Elemental Burst contributes much to her consistent damage stream. As always, making her perform at her best requires some of the best weapons, which happen to be Claymores.


  • Max Base ATK: 510
  • Secondary Stat: Elemental Mastery 165

At first glance, Rainslasher looks like it's the most ideal four-star weapon for Beidou. The passive ability grants 20 percent increased damage if the targets are affected by Electro or Hydro. This is great since one of Beidou's best supports is Xingqiu or another Hydro applicator.

However, the secondary stat leaves much to be desired. Elemental Mastery is alright but it's a bit wasted on Beidou since her most prevalent and viable elemental reactions don't benefit much from Elemental Mastery. Regardless, if you have a Beidou that constantly pulls of Electro-Charged, then this weapon is pretty decent.

Royal Greatsword

  • Max Base ATK: 565
  • Secondary Stat: ATK 27.6%

If you want Beidou at her best, you'll want to give her some high ATK stacks. Such is also the case among many other DPS characters. That makes the Royal Greatsword a good weapon for Beidou. It has one of the highest base ATKs out of all Claymores. On top of that, you get another bonus with the secondary stat.

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The passive ability is a little too unpredictable though. It's a chaotic ability where the Crit Rate is increased if you're not dealing Crit damage. Once you do with Beidou, you can kiss that Crit Rate bonus goodbys so it's best not to rely on that. This weapon's main attraction is the high ATK numbers.

Prototype Archaic

  • Max Base ATK: 565
  • Secondary Stat: ATK 27.6%

Speaking of high ATK numbers, Prototype Archaic is up there in the top podiums. It has stats identical to the Royal Greatsword plus it's easier to obtain and refine. Appearance-wise, it also suits Beidou and her corsair queen style thanks to the Claymore's aggressive look.

The passive ability is also more serviceable than the Royal Greatsword's. With this weapon, Beidou's normal and charged attacks have a chance to deal area explosion damage that scales with her ATK. It's really just a matter of aesthetics or situational preference whether you pick this one or the Royal Greatsword.

Blackcliff Slasher

  • Max Base ATK: 510
  • Secondary Stat: CRIT DMG 55.1%

Fun fact: the Blackcliff Slasher is Beidou's signature weapon as shown in her wish art. It's not just for the appearance either should you choose to stick with this sharp stick. The Blackcliff Slasher's Crit DMG secondary stat is quite beastly for someone like Beidou.

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If you can get her Crit Rate to around 50 or 60 percent, preferably more, then you can reap the rewards of that secondary stat better. As for the passive ability, you can forget about that in some of the fair boss fights in Genshin Impact since you only get to trigger it upon killing enemies.

Serpent Spine

  • Max Base ATK: 510
  • Secondary Stat: CRIT Rate 27.6%

In other weapon categories, the Blackcliff series usually beat the premium Battle Pass weapons. Not here. The Serpent Spine claymore is just too good if you can look past the crude appearance. Some even consider it as the best Battle Pass weapon. The Crit Rate stat is highly desirable and is sometimes a good enough reason to get the weapon.

It's the passive ability that makes one of the best four-star weapons, however. Serpent Spine gives DMG increase stats the longer the wielder is out on the battlefield. It piles up to a maximum of 30 percent at R1. The downside is that the wielder also takes increased damage which also stacks up. This is easily mitigated by Beidou's counterattack or Zhongli or Diona's shields.

Skyward Pride

  • Max Base ATK: 674
  • Secondary Stat: Energy Recharge 36.8%

The poor Skyward Pride has this negative reputation of being the worst five-star weapon. Even so, it still has its uses for Beidou. It's worth noting that Beidou's Elemental Burst requires a lot of energy and it's also where her most consistent damage comes from. Thus, Skyward Pride's Energy Recharge stat helps with that consistency.

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Meanwhile, the passive ability is also decent enough – it can make fights finish faster. The vacuum blades that trigger upon using an Elemental Burst deal physical damage. They can then be further boosted by applying Superconduct to the targets.

Lithic Blade

  • Max Base ATK: 510
  • Secondary Stat: ATK 41.3%

If you've been dying to use Lithic Blade on a functional Liyue team, then here's your chance. The weapon's passive ability grants a damage boost for each character that hails from Liyue. Beidou herself is technically from Liyue. You can then add Xingqiu and Zhongli to the team (or maybe Xinyan for a shielder).

Fischl is sadly almost mandatory for Beidou as an Electro battery and she's from Mondstadt so you only get 3/4 in the Lithic Blade bonus. Still, that's enough for it to surpass Skyward Pride. The ATK boosts are also welcome and add up a significant amount to the damage.

Song of Broken Pines

  • Max Base ATK: 741
  • Secondary Stat: Physical DMG Bonus 20.7%

Song of Broken Pines' Physical DMG Bonus stat is a bit wasted on Beidou since she's supposed to deal a healthy balance of Electro and Physical damage. But it's still good enough especially if you give her a Superconduct team. Plus the enormous base ATK easily offsets the wasted secondary stat.

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The passive ability works great on Beidou as well. Her attacks tend to be slow since she's a claymore user. The passive can alleviate that by adding more attack speed. Moreover, this allows Beidou to maximize her timed Elemental Burst by squeezing in as many attacks as she can.

The Unforged

  • Max Base ATK: 608
  • Secondary Stat: ATK 49.6%

This weapon is too rare but it's still worth mentioning as it's Beidou's second-best option. So if you managed to snag it during its limited run, then lucky you. It gives Beidou ATK, ATK, and even more ATK. All these will notably buff up her counterattack damage and other attacks.

The passive ability? It gives even more ATK. If you attack continuously, you get ATK in increments. If you have a shield, preferably Zhongli's, then that ATK increment gets doubled for even more ATK. Seriously, if those Unforged ATK bonuses could be converted into Mora, then Beidou would likely be richer than Ningguang by now.

Wolf's Gravestone

  • Max Base ATK: 608
  • Secondary Stat: ATK 49.6%

Oh, but we're not done yet with the ATKs. Beidou's best weapon is the good old Wolf's Gravestone and it also gives more ATK, even more than the Unforged. The secondary stat is proof enough of just how offensively-focused this weapon is for Beidou.

Then there's the passive ability which grants ATK in a percentage and grants even more ATK in a bigger percentage if you poke an enemy that's nearly dying (30 percent HP or less). By now, Beidou's playstyle should be pretty obvious. If you're not counterattacking, then you should be attacking.

NEXT: Genshin Impact: Characters With The Best Passive Talents

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