
Hackers are auctioning off Wolverine video game secrets for £1.6 million

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Wolverine is not a happy man right now (Picture: YouTube)

Spider-Man 2 developer Insomniac has reportedly been hacked and has seven days to pay before the data goes public.

Insomniac Games was showered in praised when it launched Spider-Man 2 earlier this year, and the developer is now hard at work on its Wolverine game, which will hopefully come out in either 2024 or 2025.

The good times might not last, though, as it appears that the developer has been hacked by a ransomware operator, only months after PlayStation as a whole was hit by a similar attack.

To make things worse, the hacker has released what seem to be Wolverine screenshots and personal data of Peter Parker’s actor, and are demanding £1.6 million in Bitcoins to keep the rest of the data to themselves.

The hacker group Rhysida has posted proof-of-hack evidence that appears to include passports scans of at least one former employee and a personal document of Peter Parker’s voice actor Yuri Lowenthal.

The evidence also includes other confidential documents and a few untitled screenshots that could be of the upcoming Wolverine game, according to CyberDaily.

Rhysida has allegedly given Insomniac an ultimatum to pay a ransom if it doesn’t want the rest of the information they’re sitting on to go public.

Despite that fact, the hacker has already put the data up for auction, starting at 50 Bitcoin (£1.6 million), saying:

‘With just seven days on the clock, seize the opportunity to bid on exclusive, unique, and impressive data.

‘Open your wallets and be ready to buy exclusive data. We sell only to one hand, no reselling, you will be the only owner’! the hacker said, according to CyberDaily.

Games companies – and a lot of big companies in general – are attractive targets for hackers and this sort of thing is becoming increasingly commonplace.

It’s usually unclear what the end result is but in most cases the companies insist, at least publicly, that they will not pay, as happened with Capcom when they were attacked in 2020.

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