Halo Infinite might be delayed, but you can now collect double XP, cosmetics from Monster Energyon 1 September 2020 at 11:18 am

Millions of cans of Monster Energy drink with Halo Infinite double XP codes and cosmetic gun skins are now rolling onto shop shelves – even though you won’t be able to use that sweet, sweet loot until some point next year.

Halo Infinite was meant to be Microsoft’s big Xbox Series X launch title, released in just a couple of months’ time. Alas, that is no longer the case.

But this clearly all came too late to stop the Monster Energy train. Cans boasting double XP codes are rolling onto US shop shelves from today, 1st September, and will be available here in the UK from 1st October.

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Millions of cans of Monster Energy drink with Halo Infinite double XP codes and cosmetic gun skins are now rolling onto shop shelves – even though you won’t be able to use that sweet, sweet loot until some point next year.Halo Infinite was meant to be Microsoft’s big Xbox Series X launch title, released in just a couple of months’ time. Alas, that is no longer the case. But this clearly all came too late to stop the Monster Energy train. Cans boasting double XP codes are rolling onto US shop shelves from today, 1st September, and will be available here in the UK from 1st October. Read

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