Halo Infinite — See How The Developers Recorded Huge Explosions




Fans have been eagerly awaiting Halo Infinite gameplay footage for a long time, and it’s finally (probably) coming in July. While we wait for that, Microsoft has now released the penultimate instalment in its “Sound Design Saturday” series, showcasing how the audio team went about capturing and recording sounds for the new Halo game set to launch this year.

This latest video is the second instalment of its series that shows how the audio team captured explosion sounds. The team placed microphones all over the place at a range in the desert, and used multiple different types of explosives for the sounds. As you can see in the video, there is a great variety of explosive noises on display here, including deep, booming explosions and crisper sounds, too.

Halo being a shooter series, it’s expected that there would be a great diversity of explosion sounds, and it’s neat to see how they’re created in this behind-the-scenes video. Previous instalments of the series showcased the various weapon sounds and vehicle noises that will be in Halo Infinite. Another video showed how the team recorded a little pug who created some alien-sounding noises.

Microsoft says this newest sound design video will be its second-to-last.

Halo Infinite is a launch title for the Xbox Series X, and it will also be available on Xbox One and PC. Ahead of its release, Microsoft will hold a beta test for the game, but the company has yet to share any details about this.

The game was slated to have its big unveiling at the Xbox E3 2020 briefing, but that event was canceled. Instead, Microsoft is showcasing Halo Infinite–and other first-party Xbox games–during an event in July.

GameSpot has officially kicked off Play For All–a celebration of all things gaming. Join us as we bring you the summer’s hottest news, previews, interviews, features, and videos, as well as raise money for COVID-19 relief efforts and Black Lives Matter with the help of our friends from around the gaming world. Check out the Play For All schedule for more.

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