Here’s everything announced in tonight’s Nintendo indie showcaseon 18 August 2020 at 11:40 pm

It might not have had the distinction of being one of Nintendo’s big-boy Directs, but tonight’s indie showcase for Switch still managed to pack in a bunch of great surprises. Old favourites, such as superb underwater horror Subnautica, were announced to be making their debut on Nintendo’s platform, there were some striking exclusives, and even a handful of the old ‘Surprise! Available nows!’ for those impatient sorts in the house. Should you not have time for the full 20-minute livestream, though, here’s everything that put in an appearance.


Supergiant Games’ greek-mythology-inspired rogue-like dungeon crawler Hades – in which the immortal prince of the underworld attempts to escape from hell – is coming to Switch this “autumn”. Pleasingly, it’ll feature cross-saves with the PC version.

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It might not have had the distinction of being one of Nintendo’s big-boy Directs, but tonight’s indie showcase for Switch still managed to pack in a bunch of great surprises. Old favourites, such as superb underwater horror Subnautica, were announced to be making their debut on Nintendo’s platform, there were some striking exclusives, and even a handful of the old ‘Surprise! Available nows!’ for those impatient sorts in the house. Should you not have time for the full 20-minute livestream, though, here’s everything that put in an appearance.HadesSupergiant Games’ greek-mythology-inspired rogue-like dungeon crawler Hades – in which the immortal prince of the underworld attempts to escape from hell – is coming to Switch this “autumn”. Pleasingly, it’ll feature cross-saves with the PC version.Read

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