Hitman 3 Trailer Reveals England as New Location

Hitman 3 - England

Along with the announcement of Hitman 3 being a timed exclusive for the Epic Games Store on PC, IO Interactive has revealed the game’s second location. It’s England, more specifically Dartmoor with Agent 47 investigating a murder in the Thornbridge Manor. Check out the trailer below.

Instead of just assassination, players will also focus on detective work. It’s a mix of planning to kill a target and solving a murder. Lead writer Nick Price stated in the recent blog post that, “Hitman missions are very complicated affairs with plenty of moving parts and lots of characters you are able to interact with in a huge variety of ways. In Dartmoor’s murder mystery, we are dialing all of that up to 11. Every member of the family is a possible suspect and it’s been quite the challenge to make sure everything doesn’t fall apart just because the player wants to play around.”

Interestingly, depending on what Agent 47 uncovers, there may be different outcomes. Also this is but one of the Mission Stories that will be available in Dartmoor. Expect other intriguing tales to unfold in England.

Hitman 3 is currently in development for Xbox One, PS4, PS5, PC, Xbox Series X and Google Stadia. Along with England, players will also head to Dubai for some assassination work. As for the deal with the Epic Games Store, the PC version will be a timed exclusive on the storefront for 12 months. Stay tuned for more details and other location reveals in the coming months.

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