
Katana Zero: Every Sword, Ranked

A thriving indie market created an influx of 2D platformers, innovative homages from a generation of nostalgic developers. The Shovel Knight series and success of games like Braid and Dead Cells prove that the platforming core of gaming's past is still viable alongside triple-A fare. Frenetic action, aesthetic originality, or clever mechanics are a must in a crowded field and the hyper-stylish Katana Zero does all three. Dripping in retro, this neo-noir killer thriller combines puzzle-lite action with time manipulation to encourage brutally efficient massacres from one screen to the next.

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Zero uses the standard katana for the entire first playthrough, with no indication other swords even exist. All five swords and access to the level holding them are hidden throughout the game in the form of special keys. Each sword has unique traits that provide advantages (and changes) to your attack strategy with varying degrees of ease and style. Since each sword’s key is hidden throughout the story, be advised that spoilers lie ahead.

How To Access Gov’t Lab Level:

The Gov’t Lab is the final “level” in Katana Zero where all five swords are housed. On the Bunker Pt. 2 level walk over The Psychiatrist’s newly lifeless body and a button prompt will give you the New Mecca Government keycard. After beating the game and watching the credits, a VHS tape labeled “Gov’t Lab” should appear on the level select screen.

Prism Sword: Taste The Rainbow Of Vengeance

The first and easiest sword to obtain is the Prism Sword. It functions identically to the standard katana, but with a stylish smattering of rainbow colors. Additionally, all blood spray effects take on various non-blood colors, making Katana Zero "T for Teen" appropriate (no, not really). It amounts to little more than an aesthetic upgrade, but a neon, electro-pop samurai game that encourages players to infinitely rewind their perfect kill film is probably a suitable place for a style-centric sword.

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How To Obtain It:

At the beginning of the game, a short cutscene has Zero kill two suited baddies. After being given control of the character, jump back to the original upper-left platform using a jumping air slash. Stand over the leftmost body for the prompt to obtain the Prism Key that unlocks the Prism Sword.

Phoenix Edge: Not A Flaming Sword, A Flame-Throwing Sword

As the name suggests, Phoenix Edge combines the lethality of both the blade and the flame. Every swift slice emits a burst of fire that extends beyond the blade, burning bad guys out of cutting range. This flame extension allows you to pre-strike rushing enemies just outside of melee distance. Lingering flames are invaluable when a Skinny Ricky’s parry threatens your timing, only to see him collapse in a burning heap anyway.

Conversely, the Phoenix Edge's liability is a longer delay between swings, critical in crowded areas. Also, the flamed extension does not deflect bullets, which require direct contact with the shorter ranged blade. The Phoenix Edge triggers explosive barrels, a neat but risky trick that’ll often make Zero a victim of their collateral damage. With slight strategy adjustments, this handy flame flinder can be a formidable upgrade on par with the best swords available. ​​​​​

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How To Obtain It:

Midway through the Mansion level, you’ll enter a large three-floored area with gun-toting goons. In the upper leftmost room is a ski-masked burglar rifling through a floor compartment. Focus on clearing the shooting squad littered throughout the area, steering clear of the room the burglar’s in. Allow him to finish his business and he’ll exit through the window. Approach the area he was searching and a prompt will net you the Phoenix Key that unlocks the Phoenix Edge sword.

Savant Knife: Death By A Thousand Cuts

The Savant Knife is far and away the most difficult weapon to obtain in Katana Zero. For those that prefer a faster pace of impalement, this sword combines quickness and utility perfectly suited to speedrunning. Its major drawback is a greatly stunted range of attack, offset by a snappy slash rate with minimal delay between strikes. While the Savant Knife’s length can lead to strikes falling short, its incredible speed and an increase to roll distance provide a forgiving margin for error. Additionally, this sword’s quick recovery helps when blocked by Skinny Rickies or Shield Officers and can deflect high rates of fire from turrets and multiple shooters.

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How To Obtain It (In Three Steps):

The Savant Key is found on the Slaughterhouse level and involves meeting three special conditions. It is undoubtedly the most difficult to obtain due to a finicky detection mechanic, requiring you to avoid detection by the level's security system. Alerting Leon, the Slaughterhouse's overseer, makes the Savant Key unobtainable and requires a restart.

  1. Early into the Slaughterhouse level, there will be a room with six blank screens on the wall. Lure and dispatch the lone enemy to the far left of the area. Carefully approach the screens and cut the red wire connected to them using a wall jump and air slash combination.
  2. Later in Slaughterhouse, you’ll enter a large, empty room. Pay attention to four security cameras protruding from the ceiling. Move past the cameras undetected by rolling. One roll clears the first two cameras (stopping in the middle), a second roll for the last two cameras. If the doors lock then restart and try again, and again…and possibly again. HINT: The cameras survey vertical areas directly below them and should have tiny green lights on them.
  3. Toward the end of Slaughterhouse, you’ll see a room similar to that from the first condition, also with six blank screens. There are two cameras on the ceiling that require a similar roll-evasion to avoid detection. If the third condition is met you may obtain the Savant Key from the kitchen in the bottom left area.

Claymore Prototype: Speak Softly And Carry A Big Stick (Sword)

New sword archetypes are more divisive in gaming than the impractical cleaver class to which the Claymore Prototype belongs. An anime and gaming convention at this point (see: Final Fantasy), swords as-big-as-your-body are known for immense power and range at the cost of delayed swing momentum. In Katana Zero the trope holds true, giving the Claymore Prototype a significant reach advantage with a swing rate much slower than the rest. The sword's upside far outweighs its sluggishness with the ability to tear through clusters of henchmen with a single heavy slice. That "slow" swing animation is actually a boon to the Claymore Prototype, allowing it to deflect multiple bullets at once, including entire shotgun blasts that normally end in a rewind. Since Katana Zero is about precision and timing more than a mindless hack-and-slash, Claymore Prototype's faults are easily negated by a calculated and efficient strategy.

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How To Obtain It:

Before the Prison level there is a dialogue scene with The Psychiatrist. Based on your choices you may take or refuse the Chronos dosage. If Zero takes the substance you must complete the Prison level stealthily without killing a single enemy, while refusal requires killing every enemy. If done correctly, the Prototype Key will be in a package outside of your apartment at the end of the level, obtainable by button prompt.

Sword Of Masters: "Only A Hero Chosen By The Sword Itself May Wield It"

Thoroughly inspired by the Master Sword from Zelda games, Sword of Masters plugs more than its name in tribute. Like some iterations of Link's fabled sword, the Sword of Masters uses a beam attack. This projectile requires charging (about 2 seconds), indicated by a blue glow around Zero. The beam attack functions similarly to Katana Zero’s throwables, long-range instant kills to thin crowds or prioritize targets. Outside of this ability, the sword is nearly identical to the standard katana in reach and attack speed. With the standard katana already a formidable weapon, adding a projectile that can recharge infinitely almost seems unfair. In tandem with environmental throwables, beam attacks tilt many encounters clearly in your favor.

How To Obtain It:

During the Hotel level, just before approaching the assassination target on the balcony, grab the throwable statue just outside the door. Before engaging in dialogue with the target simply throw the statue, instantly killing him and completing your objective. Walk over his body and follow the prompt to obtain the Master Key for the Sword of Masters.

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