
„Marvel's Avengers“ pataisymas prideda IP adreso klaidą, karštosios pataisos pristatomos rytoj

„Marvel's Avengers“

Square Enix have announced they will launch a hotfix for „Marvel's Avengers“; after a bug from a recent patch can expose a player’s IP address.

Pradedama Pleistras 1.8.0 was supposed to bring joy to players; introducing the Beating the Odds Villain Sector, the Cosmic Threat Event, and Mega Hives being playable with less Heroic Gauntlets. However, Square Enix soon warned player they were “aware of the issue where a floating string of text appears on the screen and are investigating.”

This string of text was important enough to warrant Square Enix warning users not to stream the game until solved; as that text was the users IP address. All devices that connect to the internet have an IP address, which in turn can be used to perform a DoS attack (Denial of Service), or find a user’s location.

"Forbes" reports the IP address appears as soon as on the main menu, along with Gamertag, date and time, and other numbers. Writer Paul Tassi called it “one of the worst bugs I’ve ever seen or heard of,” and recommended pulling the patch and servers until resolved.

Square Enix later tweeted from the game’s official Twitter account; explaining the issue in more depth (after reports from Forbes and others), and that a hotfix would be launched tomorrow.

“We are currently testing a solution to the issue of personal information, including the player’s IP address and username, being displayed on screen on PS5 and plan to deploy a hotfix tomorrow at around 8AM PT.”

This is the latest bad news in a disastrous game for Square Enix. They made a reported 61.23 mln. USD nuostolis 2021 m. II ketvirtį iš HD žaidimų; su vieninteliu žymiu žaidimu tuo laikotarpiu „Marvel's Avengers“ (paleista 4 m. rugsėjo 2020 d.).

Tuo metu Davidas Gibsonas, vienas iš „Astris Advisory Japan KK“ įkūrėjų, tweeted kad Square tą ketvirtį patyrė 6.5 mlrd. jenų nuostolį HD žaidimuose; "varomas" by „Marvel's Avengers“. Jis taip pat pasiūlė, kad žaidimas būtų parduotas 60% numatytų pardavimo tikslų, o kūrimo išlaidos siekė 170–190 mln. USD.

Vėliau pareiškė „Square Enix“ prezidentas Yosuke'as Matsude'as „Marvel's Avengers“ plėtros išlaidų neatpirko in the two months since launch, during the Financial Results briefing for FY 2021 Q2. The game also received middling scores from critics, and harsh scorn from players [1, 2, 3].

Mūsų apžvalga pareiškė, „Aukščiausioje aukštumoje „Avengers“ yra bendras. Tai buvo dar labiau trukdoma mano mikrotransakcijoms, retai turėdavau pakankamai pinigų žaidime, kad galėčiau nusipirkti norimų (viliojančių nusipirkti daugiau), ir netinkama plėšimo ir išlyginimo sistema.

Žaidimas netgi pateko į mūsų sąrašą Blogiausi 2020 m. vaizdo žaidimai; ir naujausi žaidimo XP progreso ir kosmetikos įsigijimo pakeitimai privertė mus apsvarstyti, ar žaidimas buvo toks žaisti nemokamai.

„Marvel's Avengers“ yra prieinama „Windows PC“ (per garas), PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Google Stadia; ir 2021 m., skirta PlayStation 5 ir Xbox Series X.

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