
New Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Trailer Provides A Snippet of the Story

A brand new trailer for Koei Tecmo’s upcoming action RPG, Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, has been released. While the previously released trailers were all about action, and showcasing the gameplay, now we’ve received a snippet of the story that will progress throughout the game. Of course, we’re also given a look at the dark fantasy theme, which is very similar to another Koei Tecmo action RPG, Nioh.

Based on the period of the Three Kingdoms, an era that Koei Tecmo often revisits, players will dive into a conflict surrounding an elixir that everyone wants to fulfill their desires. However, unlike the first Nioh, players will play the role of a nameless soldier, who must do everything in their power to stop the conflict. Just like Nioh 2, players will be able to customize their character as they see fit.

As someone who played Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty demo when it was available, perhaps way too much, I found that game did play similarly to Nioh 2, but was immensely harder, but just as fun. Thankfully, Koei Tecmo listened to the feedback from that demo and stated a while back that adjustments to the upcoming title have been made; especially for the slow healing. As a fan of action RPG games, I can’t wait to get my hands on Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty when it releases on March 3rd, 2023.

Koei Tecmo has also mentioned that a Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty steel book will be available during the games’ launch, and will also include bonus DLC that includes the crown of Zhurong, and the crown of Gonggong.

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty Steelbook

Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty will release on March 3, 2023 for the PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X|S, and Xbox One (including Game Pass), and PC. Which platform are you looking to play the upcoming title on? Sound off in the comments! I already know I’m looking to play the game on the PC, but seeing how it’s also releasing on Game Pass, that’s also a possibility.

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