
Psychonauts 2: PSI King’s Sensorium Emotional Baggage Locations

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After Raz reunites with his family and sets out on his quest to repair Ford Cruller's fractured mind, Psychonauts 2 players will be tasked with venturing through several new worlds in an effort to unlock important areas of The Motherlobe. One of these worlds will be the PSI King's Sensorium, which players will enter after fitting the brain from Otto's workshop into Nick from the Mailroom.

The psychedelic locale is filled with plenty of compelling story reveals that cast a new light on Raz's adventure, but it's also got its fair share of collectibles for players to seek out. As with most of Psychonauts 2's mental palaces, Emotional Baggage will be the main collectible players are hunting throughout their trippy adventure, with the PSI King's Sensorium hiding five bags and five corresponding tags.

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It's worth noting that players can't grab every bag on offer in one playthrough and will need to return to the PSI King's mental realm via the Collective Unconscious to mop up absolutely everything. That being said, here's how to find all the Emotional Baggage in the PSI King's Sensorium.

The Purse

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The first piece of Emotional Baggage players will stumble across is The Purse tag, which can be found in the backstage area. Once Raz is done chatting with Vision Quest and the PSI King at the very start of the level, they'll find themselves on stage in front of a giant crowd. Head away from the crowd and run down the ramp to the right to find two trailers. On top of the trailer to the left will be The Purse tag.

The Purse itself is found much later in the level. After Raz has secured Vision Quest's violin, he and the PSI King will embark on a mission to find the other members of their band in the crew's van. Enter the concessions area and follow the path in front of Raz until he leaps over a spinning platform and onto a tower. Instead of heading to the next spinning platform, climb down the tower and follow the path to the left to find the Purse.

The Hatbox

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The Hatbox tag is the second one you'll come across in the level and can be found in the Eye Shrine location. Players should follow the area's main route until they cross its third rainbow bridge, at which point they'll have to activate a fourth rainbow bridge by climbing a spotlight tower to their right. Follow the walkway to the tower until the path is blocked by a spinning fan.

Slow down the fan with the Time Bubble ability, jump through it, and then slow the second fan to the right and do the same. Players will now be on a small walkway with a flammable "Senses" painting to their right. Burn the painting using the Pyrokinesis ability and it will expose a secret area. Inside will be the Hatbox tag. Players will know they've gone too far if they see the tag to their right while swinging across some poles a little further down the path to the spotlight tower.

The Hat Box is much easier to track than the tag. When entering the Woods area, proceed up the path until Raz can take a left. In the small campground in front of him, he'll find the Hat Box.

The Suitcase

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When heading through the Woods area, players will come across their third tag. Follow the location's main path until Raz needs to wall jump up two vertical cliff faces. Once up the obstacle, turn right and follow the rock as it curves around the corner to find the Suitcase tag.

The Suitcase itself is located in the Backstage area. When in the clearing behind the stage, look underneath the ramp on the righthand side. Players will find a concealed passage that leads to a small area containing The Suitcase. They can also find a Half-A-Mind further down the passage.

The Duffelbag

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The next tag on the list is for the Duffelbag and can be found in the Concessions area. Once players spawn into the area, the band's van should be to their right. Walk over to it and turn to the left to see the Duffelbag tag hidden behind some colorful bushes.

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As for the Duffelbag, it's located in the Eye Shrine. Players won't be able to revisit the area to use the tag until they fully beat the PSI King's Sensorium's story content. Once the mission's complete, they can return via the Collective Unconscious and find the tag directly after the area's third rainbow bridge. It's inside a small room made of instrument cases, speakers, and amps to the player's right. Raz should also acknowledge hearing the bag when in the area, so it shouldn't be too tricky to track down.

The Steamer Trunk

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The final tag can be found in the Nose Mouth Shrine. After entering the area, follow the path until the first section of tongues that need to be slowed using Time Bubble to pass. Head underneath them and jump on the nearby trampoline to reach the tower on the other side. Follow the pathway to Raz's left to find the Steamer Trunk tag.

The Steamer Trunk can then be reunited with its tag in the Ear Hand Shrine. Just as players are about to cross the rainbow bridge and battle the censors to claim the area's two instruments, look to the right to see the Steamer Trunk sitting on a nearby cliff. Jump over and the final piece of Emotional Baggage will be accounted for. With that done, players can return to Raz's mission to stop Maligula or jump into previous areas to find any Emotional Baggage they might've missed.

Psychonauts 2 is out now on PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

MORE: You Don't Have to Play Psychonauts 1 Before 2, But You Should

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