Quentin Cobb Joins Zenimax Online to Work on New Unannounced AAA IP

Zenimax Online

Game designer Quentin Cobb has announced he is working on Zenimax Online’s new unannounced AAA IP game.

Cobb announced on Twitter he would be joining game developer Zenimax Online as a senior game designer. He had previously worked as a game designer at Naughty Dog for seven years, and later became a senior game designer for Daybreak Game Company and Sony.

Cobb also revealed that along with Ben Jones, he would be working on a “new, unannounced AAA IP!” The project will be created with a new satellite studio; including Cobb, Jones, Alex Sulman, John Bautista, Crhis Kovach, and TJ Madigan.

Cobb had high praise for the project, stating this was “easily the most excited I’ve ever been to work on a project since I joined the industry back in 2009.”

Zenimax Online was the developer behind The Elder Scrolls Online, and had previously stated in early October that they were working on a new game and a new game engine to support it. It seems likely this is that same game, and with a new engine and being AAA would suggest there is a heavy budget behind it.

Zenimax Media were acquired by Microsoft in September. While this explains where the budget has come from, it also means the game may be based on an IP Microsoft own. Cobb’s use of “IP” rather than “game” may also suggest it is a major IP. Microsoft’s involvement may also mean the game will be console exclusive to Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S, if only for a short time.

Zenimax Online also provided additional work on Bethesda Game Studios’ Fallout 76, a game with an infamous reputation that director Todd Howard still stated was a really positive experience for the studio. Zenimax Online are also working on a Commander Keen game for mobile.

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