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Roblox Prime Gaming items are bringing gamers even more free content as part of their membership with Amazon Prime.

If you have no idea what the heck Roblox is, you can get a feel for what's going on with this game by checking out this official trailer.

Essentially, it's a bit like Minecraft with some pretty good custom game capabilities baked-in and a shopping cart's worth of toys on the market. Now, some exclusive Roblox items are coming to Prime Gaming!

If you've missed the news, it was recently revealed that Amazon is rebranding Twitch Prime to Prime Gaming to bring it in line with its other digital offerings included with an Amazon Prime membership. There aren't much in the way of significant changes to how it works as far as we can tell, but there are new deals on the horizon — and one of these new deals is a batch of Roblox items

The first item will be an exclusive "Banadolier" accessory. No pictures of this new item were included with the announcement, but I'd put good money on it being a bandolier with bananas instead of bullets.

Roblox Prime Gaming slice

When Can You Get the Roblox Prime Gaming Items?

If you're wondering when you can get this new Roblox Prime Gaming item, there's good news — you can get it right now! Simply head on over to to claim your Banandolier (and a bunch of other cool loot and bonus games, too).

This won't be the only item, either! The Banandolier is this month's item — the Roblox devs will be giving out new goodies every month until March 2021. You can play Roblox for free by signing up at If you want to get started with Prime Gaming, you can sign up for Amazon Prime and get bonus content for your games (and a boatload of other bonuses, too).

Disclosure: Amazon works with TechRaptor for affiliate partnership, and TechRaptor earns a small commission off purchases made from some links in this article.

Are you going to grab the Roblox Prime Gaming items? What's your favorite goodie that you've grabbed on Prime Gaming? Let us know in the comments below!

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