Skyblivion Dev Diary Reveals Massive Progress, Ambitions to Make Better Version of Oblivion


While Skyblivion, the ambitious full-conversion mod to remake The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, has been in the works for several years, it just received its first developer diary showing off the massive advances the project has made.

The completely fan-driven mod is attempting to remake The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion within the Creation Engine, the latest version of Bethesda’s long-used game engine used for The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim, Fallout 4, and Fallout 76.

Despite small beginnings way back in 2012, the project has grown to rival most game development studios. A key tidbit from this dev diary is that the team is no longer seeking to create a 1:1 remake of Oblivion, as “its generated world left a lot to be desired.”

Instead, the team is working through the entire world map, its locales, dungeons, and more to really fill out the empty spaces and sparse areas. The team is “using pre-established lore, and a bit of creative licence.” This naturally includes various in-game objects and assets for each area, going beyond what the original Oblivion release was able to accomplish.

Even the user-interface is being looked at in the new remake, with the team saying they needed “something soft, elegant, and not as dark and Nordic as Skyrim’s UI,” but better than the original UI found in Oblivion.

The mechanics found in the original Oblivion, like underwater combat, spellcrafting, and more, will remain intact. The original soundtrack will remain, however fans will compose new music to add, with the team hoping to rival Skyrim’s massive soundtrack.

Here’s the new developer diary:

If you’re looking to get in on trying out the current build of Skyblivion, head on over to the project’s official site.

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