
Someone Recreated The First Level Of Sly Cooper In Fortnite

One dedicated fan has recreated the first level of Sly Cooper in Fortnite's creative mode.

YouTuber Paulie 1 posted a video on their channel showcasing a recreation of the prologue level in Sly Cooper and the Thievius Racoonus. In the description for the video, Paulie 1 said that it was a "fun map to make".

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The video begins by showing the rooftop that Sly first starts the game on, including the water tower that the player learns how to interact with blue sparkles on. The background for the level has numerous lit-up buildings, and there's even a theatre-marquee style sign on the side of the building, similar to the one that Sly props himself on in the intro.

It's not just the beginning area that's been recreated either, as Paulie shows that even the laser drop sequence is in the level, similarly accessed through a vent. The rest of the tour shows that Carmelita's office has been replicated, including the hallways and general layout of the building. There's even a safe to open.

After that, the camera tour shows that the Carmelita chase area has been done in Fortnite, with a parking lot full of cars and barriers that Sly would have to jump over to escape blasts of electricity. The tour ends at an open door van that somehow manages to look like the Cooper van from the games.

More impressive than just the recreation of the level is the fact that the whole thing is actually playable, with Paulie 1 doing a run-through of the stage on the same path that Sly does in the game's introduction. It's a seriously impressive recreation, right down to the little details like the Cooper van, the platforms that Sly uses to get across the building, and even the safe in the office.

The appearance of such a striking replicant should be some small comfort to Sly Cooper fans, considering that a new game in the series hasn't been released since Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time.

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