Sony Has Approached Most Major Third Parties for PS5 Exclusivity Deals – Rumour


There’s been a lot of talk of late about Sony making big moves with third party exclusivity deals for the PS5. Kinda Funny’s Imran Khan has been talking about it quite a bit of late, saying that there will be a “marathon” of third party exclusive announcements, and that people will be “shocked” by many of these.

Recently, Khan took to the ResetEra forums to elaborate on that a little bit more, potentially revealing some interesting details. According to him, Sony has approached most major third party publishers in the industry for exclusivity deals, ranging from deals for exclusive content – similar to the one recently announced for Marvel’s Avengers – to games that will be flat-out console exclusives. Khan says that the “PlayStation Advantage” branding – which we recently saw the first of in a Marvel’s Avengers trailer – and the words “console exclusive” are something we’ll be seeing a lot of in the near future.

Interestingly enough, he also added that Microsoft, too, approached several third party publishers, but were unwilling to match their asking prices, owing to the fact that Sony had approached them with pretty high figures in the first place.

“There isn’t a major third party out there Sony failed to approach asking what kind of deals they could work out. Some had content, some had games, some had content and games,” Khan wrote. ” It is not like Microsoft was not willing to offer, they just didn’t want to pay the asking price, because Sony approached with pretty high numbers in the first place.

“That ‘PlayStation Advantage’ branding and ‘Console Exclusive’ wording are both going to get a lot of use in the next few years.”

Square Enix’s Project Athia and Bethesda’s Deathloop and GhostWire: Tokyo have already been confirmed as PS5 exclusive games, while recent rumours have suggested that the same might be true for the unannounced Final Fantasy 16 as well. Sony are reportedly preparing to share more PS5 announcements later this month, so perhaps we’ll hear more about these third party exclusives soon.

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