
Spiritfarer: What To Do During The Night

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Traveling around the map in Spiritfarer is very important. As you progress through the world, you may have to travel over great distances. Unfortunately, you will not be able to sail during the night. This can be a bit frustrating, but thankfully, there are several other things to do!

Related: Spiritfarer: Complete Recipe Guide

A day in Spiritfarer lasts about 20 minutes, which is broken up into different sections denoting the time of day. During the day, you are free to do whatever you want; travel, craft, or talk to Spirits. In addition to not being able to sail during the night, Spirits will be asleep. It may get a bit lonely, but in this guide, we are going to take a look at everything you can do during the night.


The most obvious activity to do during the night is sleep. Once it becomes night, you will be able to sleep in the top room of Stella's cabin. Sleeping will essentially fast-forward time until the morning when you can ring the bell to wake up all the Spirits. Stella will lay in bed, cuddling up with Daffodil, and fall asleep. There are no consequences if you don't sleep; it is only meant to help pass time quicker.

Sleeping may seem like a waste of time because you aren't getting anything done. Remember, Spiritfarer is a slow-paced game, and it's totally fine to sleep the night away. You will wake up in the morning feeling fresh and can start sailing right away. There are no time limits in the game, meaning that you can sleep every night without missing anything.

Go Fishing

Rather than sleeping during the night, you can use your time to get some fishing done. Fishing can be done from the back of your ship during any time of day. The type of fish you get will vary depending on location, however, there are no fish that depend on time. Some fish are only available certain weather, but none are time-locked.

Fishing during the night can be quite relaxing, so be sure to give it a try! For more information, be sure to check out our fishing guide.

Tend to Crops and Craft

The night is also a perfect time to tend to your crops, craft, and even cook. There will be no distractions, and you can turn all your attention to these tasks. Some Spirits like to interact with different production buildings; at times, they can be in the way. Crafting during the night ensures that there will be nobody in your way.

This is also a great time to play your instrument to speed up crop growth. To play your instrument, stand near a growing seed or sapling and hold the guitar button (F on PC, Y on Xbox, Triangle on PS, and X on Switch). This will activate your guitar, allowing you to play along with the notes that appear on the screen. The song is pretty simple, and after a few minutes, your plant or tree should be fully grown.

Overall, you should always tend your crops and craft what you need, even if you plan on going to bed.

Edit Your Ship

Editing your ship can take a while. It can be difficult to place all of your buildings, especially if you do not have enough room to build. Rather than spending time on this during the day, edit your ship at night. You will have plenty of time to rearrange the buildings however you want. Moving buildings at night will not disturb any sleeping Spirits, so you do not have to worry about them.

When morning comes, set sail with your new layout! Be sure to check out our guide on all the available buildings for your ship for more information.

Spending The Night At A Town

Lastly, you can spend your night in a town or small island. This is dependent on the sailing you do during the day. If you sailed to a town in the evening, you can explore it during the night. The locations around the map aren't too large, but if you happen to be docked at these locations during the night, be sure to gather all the available resources. Islands are packed with resources, and many locations have hidden secrets. You can use your free time at night to explore these secret locations and gather items such as seeds and new blueprint upgrades.

You may also end your night near the Wandering Merchant. If this happens, it's a great chance to complete any errands he has available. Errands are small tasks that require you to give him certain materials in exchange for rewards. These required items can include fish and crafted materials. Use the night to craft and gather these materials and complete errands if you are near the Wandering Merchant.

That's all there is to do during the night. There is no 'right' way to spend your nights. Overall, do whatever you want to do the most; all of these options above are good choices. Once it's morning, set sail, feed your Spirits, and explore new areas!

Next: Spiritfarer: Ship Upgrade Guide

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