Xbox Series X/S VR Mention Possibly Found in Microsoft Flight Simulator Files

microsoft flight simulator

VR as a technology might only have managed to carve out a niche audience for itself so far, but there’s enough potential here that its fans want to see it grow and evolve over the years, which would entail it becoming available more widely, across more ecosystems. Xbox has been a holdout from the VR space even though its competitor, PlayStation, has been investing in the area- but Microsoft might possibly be toying with the idea after all.

Mentions Xbox VR might have been discovered in Microsoft Flight Simulator’s game files by a user on the game’s official forums (as spotted by Windows Central). More specifically, there are references to “PC_VR” and “Scarlett_VR”. Scarlett, of course, is the codename that Microsoft gave to the entire next-gen Xbox family internally, while the former doesn’t need much of an explanation, since VR support for the game’s PC version is already confirmed.

Of course, just because something is in a game’s files doesn’t mean there’s any concrete proof. If nothing else, it does at least tell us that VR is in the back of Microsoft’s mind.

Microsoft Flight Simulator is currently available on PC. It is due out for consoles as well, and will, according to the developers, be as good on Xbox as it is on PC.

You can learn more about the game, its development, and its post-launch plans through our interview with the developers through here.

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