
Xel is a gorgeous Zelda-inspired sci-fi indie game


Xel is a colorful sci-fi game featuring aspects of Nintendo’s legendary franchise, The Legend of Zelda.

In Xel, you’ll explore a gorgeous and intriguing world with elements from other video game franchises. Players will traverse a rich, vivid world filled with beautiful but occasionally dangerous biomes where they will solve complicated puzzles, discover hidden dungeons, and combat cruel robots and diverse fauna.

Assemble Entertainment is publishing the game from independent developer Tiny Roar. It is coming to PC and consoles in the coming year. Keep reading to learn more!

Puzzles and dungeons in a vast and colorful world

Xel follows Reid, an amnesiac heroine who is shipwrecked on an intriguing planet with no memories of her former existence. Players will join Reid as she sets out to solve the mystery of this strange country riddled with secrets, mysteries, and a shaky sense of time.

Explore a gorgeous overworld studded with tough dungeons in a rich, vibrant palette in a classic, top-down, 3D action-adventure style. Tiny Roar’s game will teach you how to use a range of strikes and combinations while evading and parrying to tackle and defeat your opponents.

Master and upgrade your weapons, shield, and gadgets to annihilate your enemies and gain special powers that allow Reid to bend the constraints of space and time, allowing her access to previously inaccessible locations and new methods to kill challenging adversaries.

Xel will be released in the second quarter of 2022 for Nintendo Switch, Xbox Series X, PlayStation 5, and PC through Steam.

Watch the Xel announcement trailer below!

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