
343 Industries Considered Another Delay for Halo Infinite

Halo Infinite Stands Its Ground

Devs at 343 Industries have admitted that they considered another delay for Halo Infinite before deciding that more features could be added to the game after launch. This means that the Holiday 2021 release still stands despite missing some features at launch.

The studio’s creative lead, Joseph Staten, had this to say on a potential delay:

“Yeah, I mean we talked about doing [delaying the game]. But where we landed is that Halo Infinite is a live game, so it isn’t ever really “done.” It’s going to progress and evolve from season to season. We talk about launch being the beginning of that journey, but to have a beginning, you need to pick a moment and actually begin.”

halo infinite

Staten also had this to say on delaying certain features rather than the entire game:

“Ultimately, we decided that we’ve been working on this game for a really long time. Our fans have been waiting on this game for a really long time. With solo campaign and our first season of free-to-play multiplayer in really good shape for holiday, we didn’t want to delay anymore. Let’s get started and we’ll continue to evolve from there.”

Halo Infinite campaign co-op forge delay

I’m not entirely sold on this being a great idea. While you do have a minority of the gaming community that whines when a game is delayed, most gamers take the news well. A delayed game can lead to a better product.

When you leave out certain features with just months to go until release to meet the Holiday timeframe, I’m not sure this game is in great shape to ship. If it launches missing features on top of having other issues, this decision is going to be heavily questioned.

Are you excited for Halo Infinite? How do you feel about delaying features rather than the game as a whole? Let us know down in the comments, or hit us up on Twitter or Facebook.


The post 343 Industries Considered Another Delay for Halo Infinite appeared first on COGconnected.

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