
NSO’s Next Free SNES Games Announced

Nintendo has revealed the next free games coming to NSO, and just because you probably haven't heard of them before doesn't mean you should give them a miss.

Nintendo, Xbox, and PlayStation are all so desperate for our business and attention that they are willing to give us games free of charge on a monthly basis. Well, for no more than a subscription fee. In terms of Nintendo, that fee is lower than its competitors, and with good reason. However, that NSO subscription does grant you access to a growing library of NES and SNES game on Switch.

Nintendo has announced the next three SNES games coming to that library later next month. Jelly Boy, Claymates, and Bombuzal. Odds are most of you reading this will have never heard of any of these games, and will likely be bemoaning the fact that Nintendo continues to overlook some pretty major titles when it comes to its latest library additions.

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Don't ignore this trio and wait for next month's announcement, though. There might be something here you like that you missed the first time around. Bombuzal was released in 1992, for example, at which point many of you probably weren't even born. It's a puzzle game that was originally known as Ka-Blooey on the SNES but renamed on other platforms. It's tough, but rewarding when you get the hang of it.

Jelly Boy and Claymates are both platformers that share quite a lot in common. The former's protagonist is a boy made of jelly (who would have guessed?) trying to escape a factory, while the latter features a boy who can transform into various clay animals attempting to rescue his dad. Both are a lot of fun and will likely tide you over until the next wave of games are added if you enjoyed more well-known platformers from the early 90s.

Jelly Boy, Claymates, and Bombuzal will join NSO's NES and SNES library on July 28, 2021, and be available forever from there on in. Well, until Nintendo decides to close the libraries years from now which will hopefully never happen. The same probably can't be said of the Wii U and 3DS shops. Credit card support for both will be cut next year which is an ominous sign for both.

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