Injustice 3 Teased by Graphic Artist BossLogic

Injustice 3

Graphic artist Nikolai Baslajik (“BossLogic”), has seemingly teased the announcement of Injustice 3 (or Injustic3).

As noted by PC Gamer, Baslajik has created official artwork for video games before. These include Assassin’s Creed Valhalla (including its teaser art reveal) and the Street Fighter series. This also seems to be more than mere fan-art, as Baslajik had previously announced he was invited to the DC FanDome event; where upcoming DC Comics films, TV shows, games, and comics will be revealed.

As previously reported, Injustice comics author Tom Taylor had seemingly been teasing an upcoming Injustice announcement. While that was later revealed to be a new comic (Injustice Year Zero) the new comic is likely to have been greenlit to aid the promotion of Injustice 3.

As for Baslajik’s image, we do see hints at what appears the Watchmen. The events of the Doomsday Clock DC comic brought the character’s of that series into the DC Comics universe. In the image, we can see gears and mechanisms for a clock, along with The Comedian’s smiley face badge.

Part of the DC universe or otherwise, Injustice 2 was not afraid to bring in outside characters. These included the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Hellboy. Netherrealm Studios also brought Joker, the Terminator, and Robocop to Mortal Kombat 11.

Being familiar with the logistics, licencing, and negotiations needed for guest characters, Netherrealm Studios could reignite previous opportunities for guest characters that were denied for Mortal Kombat 11. Due to that game’s violent nature, it is understandable why some characters would feel out of place there- but not in Injustice 3.

The DC FanDome premieres August 22nd at 10 a.m. PDT via the official website. We will keep you informed as we learn more.

In earlier news, WB Games and developer Rocksteady Games have announced a Suicide Squad video game where you may have to kill Superman.

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