
All Record Locations In Fortnite

We've written this guide so you can easily find all of the records for this week's challenge. There are several things you'll have to look for this week in Fortnite's large Battle Royale island. You might've already found all of the necessary Parenting Books in Holly Hatchery and Retail Row but there is still more to collect. You're going to have to find records in Craggy Cliffs and Pleasant Park.

Just like the Parenting Books, there are a total of eight records scattered around these locations but you'll only have to collect two of them. You can decide which ones you're going to get depending on where you land and which record you're closest to.

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You only need to collect two records. This can be done at either location, be it Pleasant Park, Craggy Cliffs, or one record at each POI. To collect them, simply approach the records on the ground. Then, press and hold the Take Records button. It only takes about a second or two but beware of your surroundings so you don't get attacked by any other players while you do this.

Craggy Cliffs Locations

The first location where you can collect records is at the very top of the map. Craggy Cliffs is a small town next to the seashore. Due to its location at the rim of the map, it isn't that popular when it comes to landing places. Generally, players end up having to travel quite a lot to get into the safe zone, away from the storm. So, even though it is a town and this type of POI usually attracts players, it's a somewhat safe place to land with decent loot.

If you decide to go here to collect the records, be sure to be mindful of the next storm phase and where it's going so you don't lose the match due to being lost in the storm. Here are the locations of all the records in this POI:

They are fairly scattered and in different buildings, so beware of your surroundings when trying to find them.

Pleasant Park Locations

Pleasant Park is one of the most popular locations in the game. Not only due to the amount of loot in this POI but also because it's been around for so long that players are especially familiar with it. Being known as a hot drop is also what makes it so appealing for some players, those who like to get into build fights and avoid monotonous moments or going too long without encountering someone.

These are the locations of all the records hidden across Pleasant Park:

The records are all in different houses just like in Craggy Cliffs, however, since this is a fairly active landing location, it's important to be well prepared before attempting to collect them. So, be sure to get some shields and get some decent loot and materials before heading out there. Otherwise, you might just be eliminated before getting there and you'll have to try it again.

NEXT: Fortnite: How To Mark An Alien Egg

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