
Asynchronous Multiplayer Game Phantom Abyss Announced for PC, Gets Trailer

Phantom Abyss

Developer Team WIBY and publisher Developer Digital have announced Phantom Abyss, a massive asynchronous multiplayer title that drops boot into the boots of adventurers exploring procedural generated temples and retrieving their sacred relics. Phantom Abyss will launch in Early Access in June. The game will be updated with new chambers, traps, whips, zones, and additional gameplay features as time goes on.

According to the official description, “Intrepid adventurers will dodge scores of hidden traps, leap treacherous chasms, and flee relentless guardians through branching paths until one of the relics are claimed or the devices of death overwhelm them. Be warned, you only get one attempt at each temple and failure or settling for a lesser relic means you will never see that temple again…”

That doesn’t mean you’ll be going in completely unprepared, though. “The cleverest players will use the phantom runs of failed attempts from other players to their advantage and avoid the missteps and mistakes that led to their doom. Once the legendary relic at the bottom of each temple is found, the temple goes away forever and becomes the priceless trophy of the skilled adventurer.”

Players will also be able to offer their collected treasures to the gods to claim a double jump, glide jump, extended slide, damage protection, and other abilities. They will also be able to upgrade their whip and share “Temple Codes for their failed runs allowing friends to attempt the same temple or share their Adventure Code which yields a playlist of temples that player has attempted in the past.”

Honestly, the whole thing looks and sounds very cool, and I’ll definitely be checking it out when the game comes to Early Access next month. You can watch a trailer for the game, complete with some gameplay, below:

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