
Bloodshore Is An Upcoming FMV Game Blending Hunger Games And Twitch

Wales Interactive has established itself as the name in FMV games of the modern era, blending TV and film-style production with player choice and gameplay. On Switch it's released a number of titles including Maid of Sker and Five Dates, and has confirmed its next release – Bloodshore – for a November arrival on the eShop.

The basic concept is Twitch x Hunger Games, it seems to us, and Wales Interactive has teamed up with multiple partners for what is clearly an ambitious project.

Some of the official blurb is below:

This follows a deadly televised battle royale between high-profile streamers, entertainers, and death row inmates, and features eight hours of FMV footage, the most Wales Interactive has ever produced.

Published by Wales Interactive, Bloodshore is co-developed by Wayout Pictures, Good Gate Media, Posterity Entertainment and Wales Interactive, and follows Nick, a washed-up actor who is competing on Kill/Stream for a life-changing cash prize, although a sinister truth is hidden on The Island he finds himself in. Each playthrough changes dramatically depending on player choices and the relationships built, some will bring deadly consequences for Nick and his fellow contestants.

Let us know if you're a fan of these FMV games and if this one appeals to you.

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