Call of Duty Pro Seany Wants This MW2 Gun Back in Modern Warfare, Reveals Overlooked WeaponsRobin Meyer-LoreyGame Rant – Feed


Game Rant recently sat down with professional Call of Duty player Sean “Seany” O’Connor of the London Royal Ravens. Our interview came right before the explosive Call of Duty League Championship Weekend that just wrapped up, in which Seany and the London Royal Ravens reached the top four spot. While the Call of Duty throne wasn’t in the cards for the Ravens, they still managed a great underdog story- beating out three rivals teams in a row to escape elimination and reach the top four.

When we spoke with Seany’s teammates prior to the championships, twin players Wuskin and Skrapz revealed their favorite guns and loadouts. We wanted to hear what Seany chooses to play with when he’s not in pro games, but his answers were quite different from those of his friends. “Honestly… when I play I still run the classes that I use when I compete…. when everyone had BRUENs I was just using the M4. I don’t know why, I just figured I might as well use the guns I’m gonna use. That made more sense to me.” Even so, we wanted to know if there are any guns that Seany thinks are underrated in Modern Warfare and Warzone.

RELATED: Call of Duty Pro Player Seany Says Modern Warfare Needs Ranked Mode

A lot of amateur players are using the RAM-7. Pro players never really gave it a chance. I think they just wanted to keep the game M4/MP5. I reckon that [the RAM-7] is probably better than using three MP5s. That, or the MP7. I think the MP7 could have been used, but for some reason, CoD mentality is to use the same thing- ‘if they’re using it, I should be using it.’ FaZe was using the MP7 for a while, and they were rinsing us with it, but everyone else stuck to the MP5 and eventually they went back to it. The mob mentality in CoD stops people from experimenting with guns.

GR: If you could bring any gun into a competitive match, ignoring those rules, what would you bring?

I don’t even know- tell ya what, I’d take a shotgun…. I know it’s not a skillful gun, but in Call of Duty: Ghosts, you could bring a shotgun and it was one of the best Search and Destroy games there’s ever been. If I wanted to just experiment, I’d bring a shotgun and piss everyone off. I think all those guns should be in competitive- it makes it more exciting for me, and I think the fans would find it more exciting.


After Seany brought up Call of Duty: Ghosts and spoke about it with such affection, we wanted to know what the most fun he’d ever had in Call of Duty was. He answered simply that he had a lot of nostalgia for Modern Warfare 2. “It’d have to be MW2 times. When I played MW2 I didn’t know anything about competitive, but as a kid I played MW2 the most. It was great fun.” There is clearly a huge amount of reverence in the Call of Duty community for Modern Warfare 2, and Seany didn’t take long thinking about what he would bring back from that game to make this one better.

The ACR. If you brought that back I’d be gassed. If they brought back the exact same gun, the way it shot and everything…. If that was in the next game that would bring the nostalgia back for me.

Fans have been vocal about Modern Warfare 2 maps they want put into Modern Warfare, but Seany’s pick of the ACR is just as telling. The ACR was renowned for its high accuracy and nonexistent recoil, but what’s more clear is that there was something about the feel of MW2 that hardcore fans will always be chasing. Hopefully, continued updates to Modern Warfare and the upcoming Black Ops Cold War will be able to push the series forward while still bringing back some of the classic gameplay that fans have always loved.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare and Warzone are available on PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War: 10 Biggest Questions We Have

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