
Call Of Duty: Warzone – Best Loadouts In Season 5

Call of Duty: Warzonehas brought a ton of new changes in Season 5, including a new perk, new weapons, and balancing changes. All of these alterations had an impact on the meta in Warzone. With hackers pushing content creators on to different titles, Raven is continuing to balance multiple weapons in seemingly every update.

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The weapon meta is in a very good state at this point, but the community is desperate for more changes to the game. This guide will cover the top 5 classes in Warzone at the moment, in light of the various changes. With Warzone weapons in a good place, players can cross their fingers for new content.

Krig 6, OTs 9

After a ton of different changes, the Krig 6 remains at the top of the assault rifle category. The C-58 is incredible too, but the Krig is by far the most reliable. It has a very good TTK, no recoil, and a 60 round magazine. In terms of ease of use, the Krig 6 is the best, followed closely by the QBZ.

  • Krig 6: Agency, Ranger/Mil-Spec, 3x, Field Agent, 60 Mag Normal

Meanwhile, nerfs to many of the top close range weapons make the OTs the outright leader among SMGs. It may not have the range or recoil control of some of the other options, but it kills fast at close range. TTK is one of the most important considerations when evaluating the meta. In those close range guinfights, gamers will want to be using an OTs over anything else.

  • OTs 9: Gru/Agency, Task Force, Tiger Team Spotlight, Combat/Raider, 40 Fast Mag

SS EM2, Kar 98K

The new EM2 assault rifle has great damage values, but tricky recoil. It is essentially the same as the Cold WarAK in that regard. Really skilled players will be able to use it as a primary option in Warzone, but most players will prefer the EM2 as a sniper support weapon. Regardless, it is a fun weapon to use and gamers should to unlock it so they can test it out in Season 5.

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Not much needs to be said about the Kar. It has been the top sniper choice for over a year. Those that prefer the Swiss can swap it in, as it is pretty much the same weapon as the Kar. However, those on console will notice that the Swiss has considerably less aim assist than the Kar. This is an issue that has plagued many Cold War weapons since the game was launched.

  • Kar 98: Monolithic, 27.6" Custom, Tac Laser, Sniper Scope, Precision/Sport Comb

C58, MAC-10

The C58 is in the same category as the Krig 6. It has controllable recoil, great damage, and enough ammo to get the job done. While it may not be the absolute laser beam it was at the beginning of last season, it is one of the top assault rifles in the game. The C58 is slightly less forgiving due to fire rate, but it can melt enemies with a few headshots mixed in.

  • C58: Agency, Task Force/Ranger, 3x, Field Agent, 55 Round Mag Normal

Many in the community regard the MAC-10 as the best all around SMG. It has elite movement and a competitive enough time to kill if gamers have solid aim. If users can hit center chest and headshots, it still feels like the MAC-10 from early 2021. Movement and strafe speed keep the MAC-10 in the discussion as one of the top choices in the class.

  • MAC-10: Gru/Agency, Task Force, Tiger Team Spotlight, Combat/Raider, 53 Round Mag

AK-47 (CW), Kar 98k

The Cold War AK-47 continues to have a role as a sniper support meta weapon in Season 5. Slight nerfs have barely hindered the gun’s effectiveness up close, and a lot of players run this combination as their number one class. Getting used to the recoil pattern can take some time, but the AK-47 is definitely one of the best based on TTK alone. Players can kill entire teams with just one magazine using the AK.

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  • AK-47 (CW): Gru Suppressor, Reflex Sight, KGB Skeletal Stock, 45 Round Mag, Serpent/Airborne

Combine the AK-47 with the Kar98 (described above), and players will decimate opponents in Verdansk. Depending on the preferred AK setup, some may consider using the variable zoom scope on the Kar for a little more range.

SS EM2, OTs 9

As more of an experimental class, players can pair these two new weapons and see how they work together. Both have top tier damage values and dominate up close. The issue with the class will be recoil control at range. Anyone struggling to control the recoil of the EM2 may want to consider using it in a sniper support capacity instead.

Players that like to push the pace and kill race will enjoy this interesting combination of powerful weapons. Swap out the Reflex and Stock on the EM2 for a Field Agent Grip and Task Force/Ranger barrel. A larger magazine might help too.

NEXT: Call of Duty: Warzone Players Are Frustrated With Plunder Mode

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