
DC Boss Wants The Suicide Squad’s James Gunn Back For More Projects

DC Films president Walter Hamada wants director James Gunn to return to the DC universe. Now that the director has received some of the best reviews of his career with The Suicide Squad, it seems very likely that he will.

Gunn, who hopped on board to helm The Suicide Squad in 2019 after a brief hiatus from the directing scene, had a lot of adjustments to make after the letdown of David Ayer's 2016 Suicide Squad. To no surprise, the film is racking up overwhelmingly positive reviews amid its release, proving the director was more than capable of jumping from comic book universes and adding his fresh, hilarious take filled with mayhem.

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Not only are fans and critics impressed by Gunn's work, but according to The Hollywood Reporter, the head of DC Films is as well. "Gunn is always welcome back, whatever he wants to do. He really has a vision and he’s a great partner with us. Whenever he wants to come back, we’re ready for him," Hamada said. "He’ll be back. We have more stuff planned." Charles Roven, the producer known for a wide array of DC films ranging from Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight to Wonder Woman, recalled how rare it is for a film like The Suicide Squad to have no additional photography days and to come under budget, something that just isn't seen many times in blockbuster filmmaking. "He storyboards every single shot in the movie. Not just the action sequences," Roven shares.

Margot Robbie, who stars as Harley Quinn in her third outing in the DCEU, shared her experience reading the script for the first time, believing Gunn was the only one who could pull this story off and that she wouldn't have taken on the role again if he wasn't attached. Other than the upcoming Peacemakerspinoff series for HBO Max, which will star John Cena as the titular character in a story set before the events of The Suicide Squad, the other DC projects Gunn could be called to work on are still up in the air (although it seems another sequel to The Suicide Squad is very likely). The Suicide Squad cast seems to be on board for whatever the director decides to work on next.

In a recent Instagram post, Gunn shared how the premiere night was his first time seeing the finished cut of The Suicide Squad with an audience, which was due to the pandemic causing the film to be edited entirely at the homes of Gunn and his editors. Normally, directors would watch their films numerous times during test screenings and at other film festivals or premieres. At the premiere in Westwood, Gunn took some time to congratulate the cast, crew, and the creator of the Suicide Squad comics, John Ostrander.

In addition to his upcoming DC work, Gunn will transition back to Marvel Studios and direct the upcoming Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3. The long-awaited film will be his last contribution to the Guardians film series and is said to wrap up his story for the characters.

The Suicide Squad is now playing in theaters and on HBO Max.

MORE: James Gunn's Other R-Rated Superhero Movie Is A Bloody Offbeat Masterpiece

Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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