
Destiny 2 Players Point Out Big Flaw With Parallax Trajectory and Umbral Engrams

With the latest update that has ushered in the Season of the Lost to Destiny 2, players have returned to hunting down specific types of loot through the game's loot pools and rerolling. However, one of the most popular ways for players to earn loot in Destiny 2 appears to have a logistical problem that fans are running into, causing some notable frustration among the community.

This issue has to do with Parallax Trajectory, a new currency used alongside the Wayfinder's Compass, the newest artifact to come to Destiny 2 through the Season of the Lost. This lets players focus Umbral Engrams, an item that can give access to both general and specific loot pools in order to better roll and reroll the best weapons and armor.

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What players have noticed with this Parallax Trajectory currency is that the cap on how much can be farmed doesn't synergize with the cost to focus the related Umbral Engrams in Destiny 2. Currently, players can farm up to 1500 Parallax Trajectory, but it requires 600 of the currency in order to complete a tier 3 focus. This means that players can only perform two of these focuses before having to go out and continue farming up more recourses, with an extra 300 leftover from having hit the maximum currency.

The ratio of Parallax Trajectory we can hold and the cost of engram focusing is horrible this season from

Some players have suggested that the cap should be raised to 1800, that way a full load of Parallax Trajectory can be used to perform three tier 3 focuses without any leftover. Others have pointed out that the cost to focus may be dropping as a future reward from upgrading the artifact, though this may be well after the players more dedicated to farming the material would already have their preferred gear with proper rolls. Overall, it comes down to a moderate frustration that several players have noted when farming up the material, since they would willingly gather the 1800 limit anyway if Destiny 2 allowed the dedicated farming.

While some players might consider this a smaller issue, it can affect the feedback loop of farming Parallax Trajectory and focusing Umbral Engrams when there is this inconsistency in the numbers. The result can be that farming up the currency and then spending it lacks a feeling of completion, as there is always going to be a certain amount leftover in the end. Of course, this won't be a problem every player will find frustrating while hunting down weapons and mods in Destiny 2, even if it can rub others the wrong way.

Destiny 2 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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