
Destiny 2’s Transmog System removing Synthstrand For Season 15

One of the many complaints against Armor Synthesis–what Destiny 2 calls its cosmetic armor transmog system–was that it was way too complicated. First, you had to gather 150 Synthstrand, then you had to turn it into Synthcord, and finally, you turned the Synthcord into Synthweave to actually unlock an armor ornament, each step requiring another trip back to the Tower.

That's changing in Season 15 of Destiny 2. Starting next season, Synthstrand will disappear as an in-game resource, so you'll only need to get the Synthcord by completing bounties acquired from Ada-1. Instead of giving Ada Synthstrand for those bounties, you'll just fork over 10,000 Glimmer.

Bungie wrote in yesterday's TWAB that the hope here is to allow Guardians to complete their 10 Ada-1 bounties and unlock those 10 ornaments a little faster. A Glimmer requirement might slow down a few new players, but old pros are unlikely to find 10,000 Glimmer to be much of a speed bump. If it is, then we've got a helpful guide for you to farm Glimmer fast.

That’s one complaint fixed for transmog after a season, but there’s still the issue of that 10-bounty cap. Bungie promised to “continue to monitor the conversation and use of Armor Synthesis as Season 15 rolls out."

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Another big change coming in Season 15 is a rearrangement of the Nightfall rewards. This season saw three reprised Destiny 1 weapons that were available on a rotating schedule, but this schedule sometimes resulted in certain weapons appearing twice in a row (lookin' at you, Hung Jury). Next season will bring two more Destiny 1 weapons back from the dead, but it'll also forgo single weapon rotation.

Instead, one of the newly reprised D1 weapons will be available each week, with the remaining reprised D1 Nightfall weapons featured alongside in a rotating pool. So that means you'll have a chance at two reprise D1 weapons each week.

Those newly reprised D1 weapons, by the way, are The Comedian Shotgun and The Hothead Rocket Launcher. Bungie even mentioned some all-new perks might be coming to both of these weapons.

Finally, the Dreaming City weapons have been fixed as of last night’s patch, so feel free to roam around looking for Tigerspites, Twilight Oaths, and Abide the Returns.

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