Destruction AllStars State of Play Details Vehicle Types, Hero Abilities and More

Destruction All Stars Characters

A new State of Play presentation was released for Lucid Games’ Destruction AllStars, which is out on February 2nd for PS5. The video details the core mechanics of the gameplay and how players will be commandeering vehicles, wrecking opponents and traveling on foot. Check it out below.

There are three vehicle types to choose from when a match begins – speedy vehicles that can drift; agile vehicles that turn and bump into opponents; and heavy vehicles that can take tons of damage. Each of the 16 AllStars has their own unique Hero Vehicles and abilities on top of this. Lupita, for instance, can create a trail of flames while in a car or on foot while Shyft can go invisible.

While on-foot, AllStars are capable of extensive movement options. We’ve seen the sprinting and dodging but they can also double-jump, vault, wall-run, vault boost and much more. If you manage to land on the roof of an opponent’s vehicle, then you can either initiate a Takeover and hijack it or a Wreckover to destroy it. You’ll need to be faster in the button inputs than your opponent though.

Destruction AllStars will launch as a free title on PlayStation Plus for two months. Stay tuned for more details in the meantime.

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