
Dungeons & Dragons: The Best Weapons For Monks & Where They’re Often Found

Monks in Dungeons & Dragons remain the staple martial artists – their very bodies are weapons, and their complicated maneuvers can transform their punches, kicks, throws, and lunges into devastating attacks. Well-trained Monks aren't averse to weapons training, though, as some Monks do specialize in using armaments as extensions of their bodies.

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With the right weapon, a Monk in D&D 5e can obliterate swaths of enemy forces. And obtaining the right Magic Item can help Monks wield tremendous magical powers or live the life of heroes in martial arts fiction. A Monk with the right weapon and the right backstory to match can easily become the stuff of legends.

10 Spear

Melee Weapon (Simple, Spear), Common

As a Simple Melee Weapon, anyone in Dungeons & Dragons can hold and use a Spear – which makes it surprising for Monks to almost always want a Spear on the get-go. Spears deal 1d6 Piercing Damage, which makes them just a bit less threatening than the staple Longsword. Thankfully for Spears, they do have 20/60 Range – giving Monks more legroom in terms of distance.

While the Spear seems simplistic enough, it does shine with its other properties. As a Versatile weapon, wielding the Spear two-handed will land 1d8 damage. Its Thrown property also gives Monks an emergency throwing weapon. At a lack of Magic Items, a Spear's properties can replace a Monk's Unarmed Strikes until they get 1d10 damage at 17th-Level. Due to its common nature, Spears can be found almost anywhere.

9 Moon-Touched Sword

Weapon (Sword), Common

Any sword can become a Moon-Touched Sword when given to the right blacksmith – or perhaps an Elven enchanter. As a Moon-Touched Sword, the unsheathed blade will shed moonlight in dark dungeons, illuminating the space with light (15ft bright, 15ft dim).

Albeit without any significant damage boosts, a Moon-Touched Sword is a handy replacement for a torch and is a gateway to stronger Magic Weapons. While a Monk with high-enough Dexterity can do wonders with a Moon-Touched Sword at early levels, this is best reserved until they get a more decent melee weapon with range.

8 Weapon +1, +2, +3

Weapon (Any), Uncommon (+1), Rare (+2), Very Rare (+3)

One could argue that Monks have their entire body as weapons at their disposal. Given the chance, a Weapon +1 can do wonders for a Monk following an early theme. With a Weapon +1, Monks get +1 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls when attacking with this magic weapon. This bonus increases depending on the Weapon variant.

Monks who can get a Weapon +1 or its higher types should jump at the chance. With the +1 to +3 boost, an ordinary Spear or Quarterstaff can significantly increase their base damage output. While the bonuses won't apply to a Monk's Bonus Action abilities, the bonus to core attacks are plenty of help in early-level dungeons. Given their Uncommon nature, a skilled-enough blacksmith can improve any weapon into its +1 variant.

7 Ring Of Spell Storing

Ring (Ring), Rare

Depending on the player, a Ring of Spell Storing can become just as much an offensive asset as it could be a supportive item. One Ring of Spell Storing can hold up to 5 Levels of Spells. To store Spells, a Spellcaster simply needs to touch the Ring as they cast the Spell they want to deposit. When a user expends a Spell stored in the Ring, they use all the original properties (Slot Level, Save DC, Attack Bonus, Spellcasting Ability) from the original Spellcaster.

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Most Monks would want to use the Ring to store Shield and Absorb Elements to boost their survivability. Offensive Monks can also store some of their favorite Spells – and even have their comrades' Spells – in the Ring as emergency attacks.

6 Staff Of Adornment, Birdcalls, Flowers

Weapon (Staff), Common

Regardless of the type (Adornment, Birdcalls, Flowers), this Staff works exactly like a usual Quarterstaff. It deals 1d6 Bludgeoning damage that becomes 1d8 when wielded two-handed via Versatile. Much of its extra magical effects work more as fluff, which can improve the theme of the Monk. And as a Magic Weapon, it does work past resistance to non-magical attacks.

Monks who want a weapon with better extra effects could work with other longswords. However, wielding this Staff two-handed does give much-needed 1d8 base damage.

5 Eldritch Claw Tattoo

Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Uncommon (Requires Attunement)

What better weapon for a Monk than their entire body? With the Eldritch Claw Tattoo, a Monk can vastly improve their fighting potential. Given its nature as a magical tattoo, a Monk can obtain this in a secluded monastery or among the ranks of foreign magical travelers. While attuned with the Tattoo, the Monk gains a +1 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls. Given its nature as a Wondrous Item, all unarmed strikes while attuned are considered magical when overcoming non-magical resistance.

The Eldritch Claw Tattoo also comes with Eldritch Maul, a new option for a Bonus Action. When used, the Monk attuned to the Tattoo can reach enemies up to 15 feet away with both weapons and unarmed strikes. Hits done with Eldritch Maul get a 1d6 Force Damage boost.

4 Javelin Of Lightning

Weapon (Javelin), Uncommon

The Javelin of Lightning has all the base qualities of a regular Javelin – in that it deals 1d6 Piercing damage, with a Thrown property. Users such as Monks can hurl the Javelin to a distance of 30ft to 120ft. In the case of the Javelin of Lightning, the magic happens whenever the Monk throws it away.

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After speaking its Command Word, a thrown Javelin of Lightning becomes a literal 5-foot bolt of lightning. This bolt can hit a target up to 120 feet in a straight line, with all creatures in the line having to make a Dexterity Save to take half of 4d6 Lightning damage. If the Javelin hits its target, it takes the damage of the regular Javelin and the 4d6 Lightning damage. Given the theme of the Javelin, a Monk can acquire this from a Storm God or a place magically attuned with lightning.

3 Staff Of Striking

Adventuring Gear (Staff), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

For all intents and purposes, the Staff of Striking functions as a regular Quarterstaff. Unlike its ordinary counterpart, the Staff of Striking appropriately has a +3 Bonus to Attack and Damage Rolls as well as 10 Charges for its effects. When attacking with the Staff, a Monk can expend up to three Charges to give extra 1d6 Force damage to strikes per Charge spent. Charges get replenished at 1d6 + 4 Charges at dawn, with the risk of being turned into a regular Quarterstaff when all Charges are spent.

As a Very Rare Adventuring Gear, a Monk can obtain the Staff of Striking in the equivalent of an Adventurer's Guild in the campaign. They may also acquire the Staff of Striking in an ancient temple, or even in a monastery.

2 Staff Of Thunder And Lightning

Adventuring Gear (Staff), Very Rare (Requires Attunement)

As with the Staff of Striking, the Staff of Thunder and Lightning functions as a Quarterstaff. It gives a +2 Bonus to Attack Rolls and Damage Rolls, with five properties that are usable once per dawn. Due to its extremely versatile nature and attunement to lightning, a Monk can acquire the Staff from a temple worshipping a Storm God. They may also have a powerful Wizard imbue and enchant a Quarterstaff to have its effects.

When used with its properties, this Staff can unleash extra 2d6 Lightning damage (Lightning), the potential to Stun an enemy (Thunder), unleash a line of lightning (Lightning Strike), release a Deafening thunder boom (Thunderclap), or a fusion of Thunderclap and Lightning Strike (Thunder and Lightning).

1 Blood Fury Tattoo

Wondrous Item (Tattoo), Legendary (Requires Attunement)

Staying true to the adage that the Monk's best weapon is their own body, the Blood Fury Tattoo is a fitting Wondrous Item of choice. Due to its attunement to bloodthirst, a Monk may gain this through a brutal tournament, or perhaps while meeting with infamous magical mercenaries.

When attuned, the Blood Fury Tattoo gives the Monk access to Bloodthirsty Strikes. They gain 10 Charges of these attacks, all of which are replenished at dawn. Whenever the Monk attacks while attuned to the Tattoo, they can expend a charge to deal an additional 4d6 Necrotic damage to the opponent – and they gain the same damage dealt as HP. When a creature attacks the Tattoo-attuned Monk, they can use a Charge and their Reaction to strike at an Advantage.

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