Elden Ring Development Close to Being Done – Rumour

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Since FromSoftware and Bandai Namco first announced it at E3 2019 a year and a half ago, Elden Ring has had next to no updates. Other than its reveal trailer, all we’ve had to sustain ourselves with is leaks and speculation and the odd message from FromSoftware here and there, either giving brief details or thanking fans for their support or what have you.

It remains to be seen when we will get something by way of official details- but we do have more leaks to go over. Lance McDonald, who is a known modder and Souls leaker (and has a track record that’s solid enough when it comes to the latter) recently said on a stream on Twitch that Elden Ring’s development might be close to completion.

Elaborating on that statement, McDonald said that FromSoftware are bringing in contractors to work on the kind of things that a developer usually only works on when a project is close to completion, before adding that he’s getting this information from contractors he knows who are likely working on From’s upcoming open world RPG.

You should take this with a grain of salt for now, of course, especially given the almost complete lack of any concrete info we’ve had on Elden Ring for months. That said, there has been some speculation that the game could receive a trailer at the upcoming The Game Awards– so maybe there’s something to look forward to in the imminent future.

Either way, stay tuned, and we’ll keep you updated should we learn anything else.

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