Ghost of Tsushima: Legends Won’t Have Any Microtransactions

ghost of tsushima legends

Sucker Punch and Sony dropped a pleasantly surprising bit of news yesterday when they announced Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, a 2-4 player co-op multiplayer mode for the recently released open world samurai epic that will be coming to the game for free later this year. Given its multiplayer trappings, the question of whether it will have any microtransactions have been asked a few times, and now we have a definitive answer.

That answer, predictably enough, is no. In a statement to IGN, Sucker Punch confirmed that Ghost of Tsushima: Legends will have no microtransactions, nor do they have any plans to add them in post-launch, and that all content in it will be unlocked through gameplay itself.

“There are no microtransactions in Ghost of Tsushima: Legends, and we have absolutely no plans to add them,” the developer said. “All of the content is unlocked through play.”

This doesn’t come as a surprise, but it’s welcome news nonetheless. Ghost of Tsushima’s base game has a lot of cosmetic options, which would ordinarily be easily monetized, but in this game are found and unlocked only through gameplay- it’s good to see that carrying forward into its multiplayer DLC as well.

Ghost of Tsushima is currently available on PS4. It has been performing exceptionally well across the world as far as sales are concerned, topping sales charts in the US, and also becoming the highest-selling first party PS4 exclusive in Japan to date. At last count, it had sold 2.4 million copies within just 3 days of release.

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