
Katana Zero: A Beginner’s Guide

Many modern games are designed to be more generous and easy-going, but Katana Zero captures the difficulty of classic titles. You control a skilled swordsman who is sent to numerous locations to assassinate certain targets. You’ll need to navigate different level layouts, evade traps, and cut through enemies in order to succeed.

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There are also several challenging boss encounters that will test your speed and reaction time. Katana Zero offers plenty of second chances but requires precision to move forward. You’ll need to take some time to get familiar with the game’s mechanics and a feel for the gameplay in order to beat it.

One Hit, One Kill

Like many classic games that came before, Katana Zero follows a harsh health system. Even though you control a trained warrior named Zero, he is still a very fragile being.

While exploring the different levels, you’ll have to overcome various hazards and enemies in order to reach the target and complete the mission. Similar to Contra, Zero can only take one hit before being killed. Upon death, you’ll restart at the last checkpoint, which will either be the start of the room, area, or battle.

Zero’s Moves

This is a 2D side-scrolling action game where you will need to run and jump in order to navigate the levels. Being a master swordsman, Zero has access to several quick techniques which you will need to master.

  • The first is the sword slash, which is quick and precise but limited to short range. It can be performed on the ground or in the air. It can eliminate most enemies with one strike and can also deflect bullets.
  • The next is a dodge roll, which Zero can use to evade attacks. While rolling you’re essentially invulnerable against enemies, traps, and boss characters. Take advantage of the space and be sure to mark your surroundings.
  • There are certain objects such as bottles that you can pick up and throw. They can be used to cause distractions or to take out enemies from afar. However, you can only hold one item at a time.

Chronos And Manipulating Time

One of the one plot points of Katana Zero is a drug known as Chronos. In-game, an authoritative body known as the New Mecca Government has assumed control over most of the world due to their highly talented and deadly soldiers. Zero and these soldiers were given multiple doses of an experimental drug called Chronos, which alters their perception of time.

It allows them to foresee the outcomes of upcoming conflicts as well as to slow the passage of time. You have a time meter that represents this ability and it can let you slow the events in any given scenario to give you more time to assess the situation and react accordingly. Though the meter refills over time, don’t abuse it or you may find yourself in a tight spot.


A smaller but important aspect of Katana Zero is conversation. You’ll encounter multiple events where you’ll need to respond to different characters, You can choose to interrupt it, represented by red text, or continue it to learn more, represented by white text. Though most of them serve to add to the plot, keep in mind that your conversations with the Psychiatrist character will have the most tangible impact.

NEXT: Nintendo Switch Games You Forgot Are Coming Out This Summer

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