Mass Effect Legendary Edition to Alter Camera Angles to not Focus on Miranda’s Butt, Female Shepard Upskirt

Mass Effect 2 Miranda Butt Ass

BioWare developers have revealed that while models for major female characters will only be improved in Mass Effect Legendary Edition, some camera angles will be changed to not focus on fan-service or sexual scenes; such as Miranda’s butt.

Speaking to the Metro in an interview, BioWare developers discussed the improvements coming to the game. As previously reported, the contains the original trilogy, with improved frame rates, new textures and models, and other visual improvements. All three games will include all single-player content and downloadable content (bar one piece of DLC).

Project Director Mac Walters discussed how the first Mass Effect had the “rough edges” taken off, and tried to make it look closer to its sequel. This also included improving the camera, movement, and aiming; which came with later entries.

Environment Director Kevin Meek also discussed how improving animations was difficult. In short, the “look-at system” that directs where a character looks in cut-scenes is what causes some of the more bizarre issues; such as being cross-eyed or the infamous Shepard head spin.

The latter was achieved via modding the game for a different camera angle, and as such it has been left in the Legendary Edition. “As soon as we realised you couldn’t see it actually happening in game we made a point of leaving that in for people,” Meek states. “So if you still want to be able to go and capture that 4k HDR and get a new meme out of that, that’d be good.”

However, issues with animations led onto discussions about female Shepard. Along with improving her animations to be on-par with male Shepard, there were some animations and camera angles that were better suited for the male counterpart. Meek mentions one instance where seeing female Shepard’s underwear (thanks to a skirt and the camera angle) was adjusted by moving the camera.

“Then specifically around the animations, we couldn’t really change a lot of those, but there were times where you could change the camera to not focus on one of those animations. So a male Shepherd animation would have him sitting with his legs quite wide open with a low camera where, if you were wearing a skirt, it would be a bit unflattering. So we can’t necessarily change that animation, but you can raise that camera up slightly to reduce the problem.”

The Metro then asked if BioWare would change any of the “portrayals” of the game’s characters. The prior sentence in the article, it seems the Metro was focused on female characters, though we cannot be sure how the question was asked.

Walters answers, stating that times have changed. While it was not a major focus of BioWare, Walters states some camera angles would be changed, while models would not be altered. This includes scenes focusing on Miranda’s buttocks; something that some outlets criticized as pandering to the game’s male player-base.

“I do think a lot of things have evolved since [the original games] but I don’t know if I would say we were ultra-concerned about it or anything like that, but there were considerations.”

[…] “Kevin actually called out some camera cuts that were just… why was that focusing on Miranda’s butt? So in some cases we said, ‘Okay, we can make a change there’. But ultimately, to change an entire character model or something like that wasn’t really… it was a decision that was made as part of many creative decisions and just showing it at the best possible fidelity that we could going forward is really the choice for all of the art that we had.”

In the case of the character Miranda Lawson, there is a reason the character is designed with a large amount of sex appeal. Miranda had been genetically engineered by her father to be “perfect;” with exceptional physical capabilities and beauty.

BioWare marketer David Silverman explained in an interview with VG24/7 in 2011 that the character’s sex appeal- often shown through camera angles focusing on her buttocks clad in a skin-tight suit- were part of the character.

“The fact is, some characters are defined by their attractiveness, such as a woman who is genetically engineered to be perfect,” Silverman explained. “Camera angles help tell the story and portray key aspects of each character – in Miranda’s case, her curves and sexuality. We had similar shots of Jacob.”

Another example would the the asari species; aliens that appear feminine but technically have no gender. In short, they can breed with any species or gender to produce children of their own species. They are noted as typically being quite attractive to several species. Asari pole-dancers are also seen in the Afterlife Club in Mass Effect 2, along with dancers in Chora’s Den.

While the species may seem purely designed for sex appeal, the species were one of the first races to achieve interstellar travel (aside from the Protheans), and discovered the Citadel. They founded the Citadel Council, and thanks to the Citadel being near several mass relays, became a major player in the development of Citadel Space.

In addition; their long life spans, intelligence, and having the largest economy in the galaxy (born of their trade-networks and advanced biotic technology) resulted in their influence spreading. NPCs in the games will even discuss how the idea of asasi being promiscuous is false, and that even the aforementioned asari exotic dancing is a form of martial art.

The original Mass Effect also drew ire from mainstream news outlets, as the game featured sex scenes. These were shown with naked character models with almost no lighting, where players could occasionally see bare skin or buttocks.

Finally the developers discussed the trilogy’s ending with the Metro, and the Extended Cut that was released after fan outcry. That will be the standard ending to the game, and Walters discusses how making a new ending would require significant new content, and could risk betraying what fans want. He then makes a defense for not altering content that fans remember.

“Whenever we’ve ever discussed doing the remaster, I think you put all options on the table to start with, right? But you need to keep what I think is the heart of what the franchise was, what people remember it to be – which is the choices that you made, the characters that you meet, the encounters you’ve had with them – and sort of draw a line in the sand and say, ‘No, that is what people loved and that’s what they remember’.

“And sure, you know the controversy around the ending. And we understand, I certainly understand, how that didn’t hit with some people. But I don’t think you suddenly just go in and try to change anything in that regards.”

This is not the first time we have seen changes coming to how a female video game character with sex appeal has been presented. Final Fantasy VII Remake was Tifa Lockhart’s design changed due to Square Enix’ internal ethics department.” A Square Enix representative later explained the department was to help the game meet an anticipated age rating.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition launches Spring 2021 for Windows PC, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.

Image: Mass Effect 2 via YouTube

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