Metro Developers Are Most Excited About Ray-Tracing on PS5 and Xbox Series X

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Metro developers 4A Games’ releases are always some of the most technically impressive for their times, and in recent years, they’ve really begun going all-in on ray-tracing, with Metro Exodus in particular leveraging the technology on PC in rather impressive fashion. With the PS5 and Xbox Series X also confirmed to feature hardware-accelerated ray-tracing, the expectation is that it’s going to become much more standardized in games, and 4A Games are quite excited about that prospect.

The Polish studio has expressed its excitement about ray-tracing support in upcoming consoles in the past, and speaking recently in an interview with VGC, they did so again. Executive producer Jon Bloch said that of all next-gen features, the one 4A Games most excited about are is ray-tracing, mentioning that the studio is fully rebuilding its proprietary engine’s rendering technology so that it will be able to leverage ray-tracing tech properly going into next-gen.

“Ray tracing is the future,” Bloch said. “Ever since Nvidia came to us with their plans for a ray-traced future, we jumped on board with big excitement. Being a part of pioneering RTGI with Metro Exodus has been a groundbreaking thrill and we’re all in for ray tracing moving forward. We are fully rebuilding our proprietary engine’s render technology to be centered around ray tracing, so it will continue to be exciting to see what the future brings there.”

In the same interview, Block also spoke about 4A Games’ work on and aspirations for the upcoming multiplayer Metro experience. Read more on that through here.

4A Games were recently acquired by THQ Nordic’s holding company, Embracer Group.

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