NeverSong Review

Name: Neversong (PS4)
Platforms: PlayStation 4, PC, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch
Genre: Adventure Game
Developer: Atmos Game
Publisher: Serenity Forge

Neversong is a 2d platform puzzle game that puts you in the shoes of Peete, a young boy who slips into a coma after witnessing his girlfriend Wren getting abducted by the sinister Dr. Smile. After waking up, he finds himself in his hometown of Redwind, but immediately it’s clear something is off. All the adults have disappeared, apparently, after investigating the asylum, Dr. Smile took Wren to, and now only the children remain.

Neversong utilizes a pleasing but straightforward cartoon-like art style with bizarre character design and picture book-like backgrounds. Almost all the character lines are adequately voice acted, and I have to say I quite enjoy the soundtrack.

Gameplay-wise Neversong is reasonably straightforward, where you use basic attacks to beat enemies, progress through simple platform elements, and solve puzzles to get to the boss. Defeating bosses is usually the way to unlock new songs, which you can play on the piano in Wren’s house to unlock new items that will, in turn, let you access new areas.

Defeating enemies will let you collect drops that will eventually increase your max health. Since every single enemy you defeat will drop recovery hearts as well, it does make the game not particularly challenging combat wise. However, there may be parts in the game where you could lose your life if you’re not careful. While combat is not really the main point of the game, it should be pointed out that it isn’t particularly engaging. Only the bosses offer some variation by having combat phases and having you utilize some of your new gear, though they still aren’t particularly challenging.

The puzzles themselves are usually not too challenging either, though I have to admit there were a few that had me scratching my head until I figured it out. Fortunately, that didn’t take too long, making the puzzles have the right level of challenge by not being too obvious but also not too obtuse. I do appreciate a game resisting the urge to make gamers reach for strategy guides or online walkthroughs all too often. Some puzzles may be a bit too unforgiving in timing, but again, it’s nothing that can’t be overcome with some persistence.

The meat of the game is the story, though, where a simple tale of a boy saving his lover from the villain evolves into a strange journey filled with bizarre characters, freaky monsters, and perplexing mysteries. In the end, I did quite like the story, even though it became a bit predictable if you like me played games like this before. It did leave me a bit unfulfilled by not filling in all the gaps, but that’s perhaps par for the course too with these kinds of narratives.

The game is quite short and can be finished in a matter of hours with some replay value to be found in collecting all the coma cards, which will unlock different cosmetic items to change your character’s appearance.

Conclusion and Score:

Despite having some shortcomings, the game is overall quite enjoyable due to its themes, music, and art direction. While the game is relatively short, it is priced accordingly at the moment, so I do feel it’s worth the price of admission.


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