Nintendo Plans on Releasing Major New Games in 2021 to Boost Switch Pro LaunchCallum WilliamsGame Rant – Feed


As reported recently, it seems Nintendo is looking to join Sony and Microsoft in embracing 4K resolution as an industry-standard, with the company supposedly working on a new Switch model that supports higher visual fidelity. According to sources, the console will debut next year, with Nintendo seemingly wanting to offer a rebuttal against the advanced hardware Xbox and PlayStation will be putting up for sale this holiday.

However, it seems as though the console will also have another huge selling point outside of its 4K resolution, with Bloomberg reporting that Nintendo intends to sell its console with a slew of major games. These will allegedly range from titles for more casual fans to a lineup of more intricate games for hardcore audiences, with Nintendo clearly looking to make 2021 a huge year for anyone interested in the company’s wide library of franchises.

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“The release of the upgraded Switch would be coupled with, or followed by, a slew of games from Nintendo itself and related outside studios,” Bloomberg reports in its article surrounding the 4K console. “Those games would address a wide range of players,” the publication also cites, revealing that these experiences will target both “casual gamers seeking small doses of escapism to more devoted fans putting in marathon gaming sessions.” Interestingly, this lineup of games has a large bearing on the company’s more laidback schedule this year, with Bloomberg noting: “The focus on next year’s pipeline explains Nintendo’s relatively quiet software release schedule so far this year.”


As Bloomberg alludes to, Nintendo has taken something of a backseat throughout 2020 so far, releasing Animal Crossing: New Horizons to unparalleled, universal acclaim and subsequently dropping numerous updates, but doing little else. Many have speculated that a Nintendo Direct will soon detail the company’s plans for this holiday, however, it seems relatively certain at this point that it won’t be dropping any major bombs to close out the year. If Bloomberg’s report is correct, it seems the company is biding its time to drop some significant releases next year.

The company definitely has some big games in the pipeline that could target the demographics mentioned in Bloomberg’s reports, with the most notable being The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild 2 and Metroid Prime 4. Both games would be solid system sellers if the company elected to ship them with the 4K variant of the Nintendo Switch, so here’s to hoping fans get to see the big franchise names when the console supposedly launches next year.

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Source: Bloomberg

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