
Overwatch Fan Creates Terrifying Concept For D.Va’s Mech

Overwatch fans are usually coming up with adorable concepts for their favorite heroes, as most fans would like to have their characters look nice inside the game. However, one Overwatch player has done something crazy with the mech used by D.Va.

With D.Va’s history as a MEKA pilot and a defender of South Korea, she is rarely seen without her mech. While she does still make time to play video games professionally, D.Va’s mech is synonymous with her, following her both inside and outside of the game. As such, Blizzard is always extra careful to have D.Va’s cosmetics accommodate the mech, as the machine gets redesigned much like Bob does in Ashe’s special skins. However, one fan’s design grotesque rework sees the mech becoming a living being.

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A hybrid between a monster and an alien, the mech is revolting in the piece drawn up by fghmkilo. On top of the mech, the wings are replaced with horn-like bits of flesh and ripped skin that attaches to the monster’s back. An eye can be seen between them, which is one of several seen across this design. The Overwatch fan does a great job making the mech creature look alive, with raised textures and shading visible. However, the face, arms, and legs will truly stick with those that have seen this fan’s work.

Where there would normally be a visor that shows the ever-popular D.Va piloting her mech, there is instead a massive eye on the front of the machine. An open mouth can be seen directly below this eye, with huge human-like teeth making the mech even more unsettling. The legs are particularly gross, with the three-toed feet making the alien stand out even more. However, it is the small, T-Rex-like arms that really steal the show, as eyes can be seen within them. As gross as the skin may be, an official version would undoubtedly be the most unique cosmetic D.Va has ever received.

The only question remaining about this Overwatch skin concept is what would be done with D.Va. However, Reddit user Narrow-Confusion-566 made a great suggestion for what could happen when the mech is destroyed. Instead of exploding, it could fall over and open its mouth wide enough for a zombified version of D.Va to climb out. This way, her own skin would fit the mech’s theme, and Blizzard could make the skin extra special with the animation. With D.Va also able to peek out of the fleshy mech’s mouth when she is piloting it, it could be similar enough to other skins.

As pointed out by a few players, this outfit would be perfect for Overwatch’s Halloween Terror event. While it remains to be seen if something like this will ever come, it would be entertaining to see D.Va outclass all the other heroes in terms of creepiness.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

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