
Pokemon Go Season Of Mischief Starts September 1 With Hoopa

As the Season of Discovery comes to an end, Pokemon Go will kick off the Season of Mischief on September 1. And where there’s mischief, Hoopa is never far behind. Players will be able to encounter the mischievous Pokemon during the season’s special Research story, Misunderstood Mischief.

“The Season of Mischief begins! Hoopa has been playing pranks on the team leaders and Professor Willow—it’s taken his glasses?!— and it's up to us to learn more about the Mischief Pokémon. Why is it so mischievous? What else does it have in store for us this Season?” reads the description of the upcoming season.

Throughout the course of the season, you’ll be given a set of tasks to complete for Hoopa’s special research. You’ll be able to encounter Confined Hoopa by completing a set of tasks revolving around “strange phenomena” which will unlock on September 5. Niantic has planned additional content which will unlock later on September 8 and then September 21.

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Other bonuses that will come with the new season include a Collection Challenge for the featured Pokemon who will be attracted to Incense during the event hours; this will reward you with Hoopa Candy and the Poké Ball Lift avatar pose. Transferring Pokemon will earn you twice the amount of candy, while the event exclusive Field Research tasks will earn you Rare Candies and a variety of Poke Balls.

Lastly, as with any new season, new Pokemon will start appearing in different regions, Eggs will hatch new types of Pokemon, and Ditto will disguise themselves as a number of different types of Pokemon. Certain Megas will also be getting a CP Boost.

Niantic has reversed its decision to revert Pokemon Go's PokeStop and Gym interaction radiuses back to pre-pandemic distances after player feedback. “From now on, 80 meters will be the base interaction radius for PokéStops and Gyms globally,” said the developer via Twitter. “Thank you to everyone who made your voices heard. We’ve heard you and understand that this has been a welcome benefit to many players.”

The Pokemon Go community had been protesting Niantic’s decision to reinstate the pre-pandemic interaction radiuses. Many of them signed a petition as well as flooded social media with the hashtag #HearUsNiantic.

NEXT: Niantic Won't Deserve Credit When Pokemon Go's Pandemic Features Are Kept

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