
Pokemon Unite: How To Block A Goal

Pokemon Unite isn't just about scoring goals – you'll need to know how to block them, too. While most Pokemon are at least somewhat capable of blocking goals, certain 'mons make much better goalkeepers than others.

The reason this is important right now is because of today's new daily challenges. If you've been playing all week, there's a good chance you'll have already completed your dailies for the previous six days. If so, completing today's challenges will net you a free Unite License for Crustle, one of the best Defenders in the game.

Related: Best Pokemon In Pokemon Unite

As you might expect based on what we said above, one of today's challenges is to successfully block a goal. It's not the hardest thing in the world, but if you're new to the game – which, let's be real, we all are – it might be a bit confusing. That's why we've taken the liberty of putting together this handy guide on how to block a goal in Pokemon Unite. Here's everything you need to know.

Pokemon Unite: How To Block A Goal

In order to block a goal in Pokemon Unite, all you really need to do is prevent a Pokemon from scoring. If you've played any Pokemon Unite at all, you'll probably already know that scoring goals takes different amounts of time depending on how much Aeos Energy you're carrying. If you've only got one point, you'll score instantly – if you're carrying 50, though, it will take quite a bit longer.

Because you can't move or attack while scoring, you're vulnerable when trying to deposit larger amounts of points. If an enemy interrupts this by attacking you, resetting your scoring progress, they'll have blocked the goal. So for you to block a goal, all you need to do is the exact same thing to them.

Any Pokemon can do this using either basic attacks or upgraded abilities, although 'mons with moves labeled "Hindrance" are particularly effective when it comes to blocking. So, if you want an easy time ticking off this challenge, it might be best to peruse your Unite Licenses to see what you're working with. Select the Pokemon with a Hindrance ability you're comfortable with and search for a match – once you're in, pick a goal to defend and stick to it. You should have an opportunity to block an enemy goal in no time, leading you one step closer to completing today's dailies and netting yourself that coveted Crustle License.

Next: Pokemon Unite Complete Guide And Walkthrough

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