Project CARS 4 Will Aim To Be “Most Realistic” Racing Sim Ever

Project CARS 3_08

Project CARS 3 came out earlier this year and was mostly a solid enough affair outside some key technical issues (you can read our whole take on the game through here). As is the nature of these types of games, however, you always must be looking to the future. It also seems for the fourth entry in the series, whenever it may release, it is aiming quite high.

On his official Twitter account, Slightly Mad Studios CEO Ian Bell talked briefly about the next Project CARS. He posted some photos and asked if people like shadows on every leaf and how live leaves will affect AI as it hits the windshield. For whatever reason, he chose to delete these tweets, but before doing so said that the next game would be the most realistic racing simulation ever. DualShockers ended up getting a capture of these tweets, which you can see through here.

It’s unclear when Project CARS 4 will actually hit shelves, but it seems as if they will be aiming for the moon. The developer behind the series, Slightly Mad Studios, was acquired by Codemasters last year, who themselves are in the process of being acquired by EA. So, there’s no telling when we’ll get the game.

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