
Random: Graphic Designer Recreates Marvel’s ‘What If…?’ Series With Wario

Wah If...? Just imagine the possibilities...
Wah If…? Just imagine the possibilities… (Image: @eternalflamebry)

Wario’s latest game is out this week, and as you might have previously seen, he’s let the whole world know about it.

Fans have also been celebrating the arrival of WarioWare: Get It Together! on social media with fan art and more. While there are all sorts of creations, one of the standouts of the lot is a recreation of Marvel’s new animated Disney+ series What If…? with Wario.

What If…?, if you’re not familiar with it, takes major stories from the Marvel universe and imagines what might have happened if characters were swapped out for others and the story played out differently. Here’s the Wario-themed take, courtesy of the graphic designer @eternalflamebry:

As you can see, there are plenty of “what if” scenarios for Wario and co – placing him in Super Smash Bros. Melee as a playable character, making him the lead of the Mario (Wario) Kart line-up, adding Waluigi to the WarioWare series, and even putting the purple mischief-maker in the spotlight as well.

Are there any similar Wario-themed scenarios you’ve ever dreamed of? What would you like to see next from him, now that his new game is out of the way? Leave a comment down below.


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