
Red Dead Redemption 2 Fan Makes iPhone UI Design Based on the Game

Although Red Dead Redemption 2 has been out for nearly three years, its dedicated community continues to flex its creativity through producing fan art. But this artist has taken it to a whole new level by incredibly transforming the iPhone user interface into a meticulously detailed RDR tribute.

As many would argue, the Red Dead Redemption series' cover art is some of the most iconic images associated with gaming. Both feature a hardened outlaw arranged in front of the classic crimson and gold backdrop, with a large weapon pointed directly outwards for good measure.

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From Red Dead PlayStation 1 covers and cases to stunning real-life cosplays, over the years the art style has proven to strike a chord with gamers and artists alike, as many try to replicate the characteristics yet in their own way. Now, Reddit user "Pasty White Boiii" has created an entirely interactive Red Dead Redemption iPhone UI. Unfortunately, the beans were not split on how this impressive piece was created, nor how long the development on this piece was. Nevertheless, it's amazing to observe the amount of effort and detail put into it.

RDR2 IPhone Design I Made Myself from

Complete with the paradigmatic Red Dead Redemption 2 splatter backdrop, gun-clad desperados, and Art Deco app visuals, this design truly has it all. Eagle-eyed users who inspect a little closer will notice that even social applications such as "Snapchat" and "Phone" have been radically overhauled, with the latter fittingly sporting a vintage analogue telephone.

Swiping onto the next image, the RDR Western inspiration becomes extraordinarily more apparent, as the "App Store" cleverly resembles the bustling general stores that scatter in-game locations like Lemoyne, West Elizabeth, or New Austin. Not only that, the "Weather" app comically features the stamina icon, paying homage to the fact that climate systems are a fundamental aspect that exists within the Red Dead Redemption universe. Just like reality, the atmosphere conditions in-game determine what outfits to wear when either fending off the heat during blazing sunshine or drawing in warmth for when it hails rain.

In short, just like the game itself, it is undeniable that they implemented a lot of effort in designing the tiny details to better create a more immersive presentation. Speaking of which, Rockstar Games' action-adventure Western also features countless secrets and Easter eggs for players to discover, with one even starring an extinct colossal beast, half-buried in ice, somewhere in the bitter Grizzlies West, Ambarino area.

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available right now for Google Stadia, PC, PS4, and Xbox One.

MORE: Red Dead Redemption 2: Where to Find the Meteorite

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