Rumor: Controversial PS2 Series Could Return for PS5 | Game RantMina SmithGame Rant – Feed


With the PlayStation 5 release date on the horizon, whispers of rumored revivals and updates and remakes are rampant. With a new Crash Bandicoot on the way with new features and new chapters of the Final Fantasy 7 Remake in the works, many are wondering what could be next. But few could have guessed that controversial PS2 series The Getaway is among those titles that might get a second life in the new generation.

There are a massive number of IPs that Sony and third party developers have been sitting on. Any number of them could be revived at any point and expose their IP to a new generation of gamers. After the success of the Resident Evil remakes and the popular MediEvil remake, it seems like just about anything could be given a chance. Even a series that was extremely controversial in its day.

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Three different games in The Getaway series were released on the PlayStation 2 in the early 2000’s and was never heard from again. However, Sony London dev Mike Rouse’s official YouTube channel spoke of rumors of the series making a comeback at Sony. While probably not on most people’s lists for the PS2 series that need a remake, this choice of a possible reboot is interesting for a couple of reasons.


The original release of the first The Getaway game was banned in Australia for a graphic torture scene. In restrospect, the scene pales in comparison to some of those seen in AAA titles like GTAFar Cry 5, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. While The Getaway wasn’t the first game to have horrifying scenes of brutality, it certainly was one that sparked a lot of controversy.

Although most of The Getaway series sold more than a million copies, they each received middling review scores. The Getaway received the most favorable scores from reviewers, while The Getaway: Black Monday and The Getaway 3 were mostly panned. While the PlayStation 2 had plenty of successful games and series, most wouldn’t consider The Getaway to be one of those. However, it could make for a great remaster since the subject matter is a little more acceptable in this day and age.

The PlayStation 5 doesn’t have an official release date, but it is slated for sometime in Q4 in 2020. It likely won’t be a launch title, but if the rumors are true, The Getaway might be one of the titles hoping to draw gamers to the new platform.

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